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Lv 4
Riley asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 weeks ago

Why dose nothing change under Democrats or Republicans? Are they on the same team for dumming down the masses and keeping Buisness as usual?

It kind of feels like all of an act. They're only bipartisian when they want to blow up a country in the middle east. Other than that, they only exist to suck tax payers money and feed it to corporations as we get shitty infrustructure every year and little to no help when people are losing their jobs due to Covid.

5 Answers

  • GiGi
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    All I have to say is the Establishment must go.

  • Ray S
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

          By design, Republican supply-side/trickle-down economic theory favors the wealthy and their corporations over the working class. And, that trickle-down crap has been the driver of our economy since 1981. So long as that remains to be the case, there can be, at best, only slight improvement in economic outcomes for the middle class and the poor regardless of which party is in control, which is why you've drawn the conclusion that there is no real difference between having either Democrats or Republicans in control.

          For the last forty years, Democrats have been trying to pass bills that favor the working class only to have them blocked by Republicans because those kinds of bills are not consistent with supply-side theory which favors the wealthy. BUT, Dems now have a fairly decent opportunity to kill supply-side and flip our economy to demand-side driven which would be designed to favor the working class. For example, notice that, unlike Trump's $1.9 trillion tax cuts stimulus, this Democratic $1.9 trillion stimulus is all about benefitting the working class, the poor, and small businesses.

          Change designed to primarily benefit the middle class and the poor is now in the works. But, that change is only possible if Democrats can stay in control long enough to flip the economy to being demand-side driven. And, that will take Democrats to be the big winners again in the 2022 midterms ... which is why we're seeing Republican state legislatures all over the country frantically moving to pass new legislation that will suppress the Democratic vote.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Democrats try to help people. All Republicans do is obstruct.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    With neolibs nothing changes for the better, notice how they didnt want to give you 15 an hour but progressives did

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  • 4 weeks ago

    Now yer gettin' it, Lassie!


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