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Why do liberals hate rich people ?

53 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    More democrats are rich than Republicans.

    Republicans might have the .01%ers of multi billionaires but democrats have larger numbers of wealthy individuals. 

    The majority of republican voters are made up of poor white trash types. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Not true, there's a lot of Liberals that are rich. The difference is they don't mind sharing their wealth because they have a thing called empathy and compassion.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago


  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    idk maybe try yahoo answers. its a really good sight u can ask all sorts of questions on.

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  • Mark J
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago


    Whether its guilt about the rich family upbringing, or guilt about the wealth they have amassed themselves.

    Distraction. The wealthy liverals use distraction to shift attrention fporm them onto others. its alwasy been a winning political  technique, used by all sides to attempt to create 'them' and 'us'. Them are nasty, uncaring. selfish whereas Us are wonderful caring, sharing considerate.

    All you need to is look at taxation. Everyone, without exception, believes in fair taxation. But definign fair depends on where on the economioc spectrum you fall. But without exceptionm fair tazxation usually means I should get more from the state and or pay less tax and they shoudl get less from the state and or pay more tax.

    As Cuomno and De Blasio are findign out to their budgets if you dramatically raise taxation and target the rich they will up sticks and leave taking their tax with then. But the high net worth taqxpayers contribute dramatically more of the city & state budget. it doesn't tkae many HNR's to flee New York before your city and state income plummets. Impoprtign hundreds of thousand or millions of migrants from SOuth America adds to the state budget and contriburtes very little in tax. So its a great Liberal ploy to fingerpoint at the hyper rich demanding they pay a fair share of tax to deflect form piss poor management of city and state affairs

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    The 1% controls and changes everything in this country without our consent. We don't live in a democracy if behind the scenes th 1% is just running the show. Look at the Koch brothers. They hated Trump's hold on the Republican party and they pushed him out.

    All the billionaires do the behind-the-scenes stuff to let the President or any other political figures be their scape goat. Wanting to be President is actually really stupid considering the freedoms they lose and the positions they're forced to take.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    They hate rich Republicans they obey rich Democrats. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    They don’t. Many rich people are Liberal. You are mistaking Liberalism for Socialism (which you Yanks think is Communism- it isn’t). Even then, socialists don’t necessarily hate the rich. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    They don't.

    They hate rich republican people.

    I can tell you for all that "tax the rich" talk, they will do nothing to offend Big Business, or someone like Bill Gates, because that's where their extra sugar comes from.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    to counter the conservatives' hatred of poor people

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