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TJ asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 weeks ago

Democrats: "FOX News is biased." Republicans: "CNN is biased." When will you idiots learn that both networks are absurdly right/left-leaning?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Well, it's more than that. They make a lot of money. Fox was the first to create the model they had to make that type of money and networks like CNN & MSNBC tried to copy it. Which makes sense to do the same thing but for a different audience.

    But Fox basically has a monopoly on MSM Conservatism. That's a problem Fox has a lot of control over the views and opinions of their viewers because they're super flashy and attention-grabbing, they know just how to trigger that dopamine to get their viewers addicted to saying omg, that's terrible. What terrible thing are Democrats doing now? The majority of their viewers live in an isolated bubble. Fox is telling them not to explore or engage in different places of America by saying it's dangerous or just all these terrible things that are sensationalized killing the need for curiosity, exploration and any route for them to have a mind of their own. Fox viewers only have an understanding of the caricature of the world Fox makes for them and they are completely fixed into that. Fox has completely dismantled their viewer's ability to think for themselves. When Fox wants their viewers to have a certain pov they all have it. That doesn't really happen with the Liberal community. In fact the Liberal community disagree with each other. 

    Versus with Liberal media, there's many different streams, channels, networks a person can go to and they might have different opinions rather than one network stating what their viewer's opinions should be. Trevor Noah might say something and other liberal talking heads might completely disagree and they aren't bound to each other because they're all married to different networks. Their viewers for the most part live in both Suburban areas & cities. Alot of city people are transplants too so they understand what it's like to come from an isolated bubble and then to a city so, most likely Liberals coming from both worlds are more free to have their own opinions than the ones who trapped themselves into the Fox new circuit and live in an environment where it's impossible for them to determine how accurate their media is. The most reported on city in this country is NYC so that's why the majority of New Yorkers are not Fox fans unless they're super disconnected from reality like, if they live in a rich person bubble. Everyone else living in the reality of NY will live through the experiences the media reports on so it's easier for them to determine who's oversensationalizing the content.

    If you ask 100 liberals where they get their news they aren't going to get cnn, they're just getting that information from everywhere. Versus with Cons, it's going to be wacko social media posts, some angry talking head conservative or Fox. If they are extremists there are extremists figures for them as well.

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