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Is it wrong to show a devout Christian (my friend) something that proves traditional Christian teachings are wrong ?

Okay I'm not saying what exactly it is because on here I guess Christians can't handle it, my questions and even answers get removed. I mean okay I'd see a question like "Atheist what will you say to God on judgement day", I'd answer quoting the bible and show Christians through the bible some eer hard to hear stuff.

My friend is a trainee minister and I shown her this a few days ago and she is kinda getting very upset. Now it doesn't prove anything other than wrong teachings from the church, but there is much more and what I shown her is only the tip of the iceberg.



Sorry forgot to say that when I say this on here it gets removed VERY quickly. A question with like 100 answers boom gone, my question boom gone, every question/answer yup you guessed it. The other thing is I'm not an Atheist, I'm someone who is looking for the truth and there are clues in the bible. 

Update 2:

Okay this is just the tip and quite honestly the easiest thing to handle. I'm sure this will get removed very quickly. You can read through the entire NT, I'd suggest starting with Mark as it is the shortest and earliest. I'm going to take these two stories from Luke and Mark (Mark 5:1-20,Luke 8:26-39)

in both accounts at the very start a use of third person "They" and across the NT at no point does any author refer to themselves in the first person tense. In john 21-24-25 we can see evidence

Update 3:

I've spent a long time reading/studying many different versions of the bible, there is much more to it. There is much! much! more to it from textual variations to the bible being changed and even stories hidden. 

15 Answers

  • Wundt
    Lv 7
    1 week ago
    Favorite Answer

    Does your friend try to tell you how to live your life based on their Christianity?  Do they think you are a bad person for not following the same religion?  Do they justify their own bad behavior using their Christian beliefs.  If "Yes", then it is completely appropriate to respond to them with evidence and examples of how Christianity is nonsense.  If "No", then leave them alone with their beliefs.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Most Christians welcome such "arguments" from those ignorant of God. It's like an invitation to share God's truth with them. Sounds like you can't "handle it", if you are afraid to even post what you believe to be true, for fear of getting exposed as ignorant.

  • 1 week ago


    1Th 5:21 Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.

    This teaching even applies to the Bible itself.  If someone proved to me that the Bible was wrong, I'd have to go with the proof, and possibly even reject the Bible.  Truth is truth, and even the Bible is all about getting to the truth.

    When we only hang around those who agree with us, there's little opportunity to see flaws in our beliefs.  A true Christian welcomes challenges that force them to dig deep to find answers.

    1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

    I'd love to hear your "proof".  You may be right.  There are many false teachings out there disguised as truth.

  • 1 week ago

    Faith tends to spiral upwards.  We go through phases of doubt and if we allow ourselves to doubt fully we may fall away or we may continue with stronger faith in the long run.  That said, there are many priests who have lost their faith and feel trapped because their friends, home and livelihood all depends on their faking that belief.  You don't want that to happen to her, and there are also more liberal options available if her doubts are about something like the virgin birth or the resurrection, where it isn't necessary to accept those things.  

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  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    You can try, but nothing proves it wrong.

  • 1 week ago

    No, all you do is annoy the friend. People do not react to religious arguments with logic but with emotion.

  • 1 week ago

    People have the freedom and the right to express their views and to disagree with others. One problem, though, is that very few people who claim to be Christians have a thorough grasp of what the Bible says, so if you can cherry pick proof texts to throw a spanner in her beliefs, that would be easy for you to do. Unfair, however. Are you prepared to wait until she's completed her ministerial course and has learned a great deal more? At the rate you're going, you will likely spoil your friendship as she will begin to see you as a submarine approaching her to launch a missile at her. But if she sees you as an iceberg, you couldn't blame her for giving you a wide berth!

    There are lots of arguments people make against the Bible and Christian belief. I've come across no end of them over the last 40 years but those who have studied the Bible diligently and regularly are not phased by any of them. There's lots of literature around and web-sites too, dealing with the sort of attacks you will be making.  But until you are specific and state this one particular point that has upset her, nobody here can show you what might be wrong with your argument, so we can only take your word for it, that your Bible quotes are in context - which no sensible person would be prepared to do. Give us the Bible verses in question. Ask our views on them, and that way your Q couldn't possible get removed.

  • 1 week ago

    It's not wrong, but it's mean and insulting and probably pointless because religious folk know how to defend the Bible. They've been doing it for centuries. She'll probably drop you as a friend at some point.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Edit: It's obvious you are just an ATTENTION-SEEKER.  Don't bother to keep on updating if you won't say what you want us to help you with.  It's ridiculous talking in riddles.  Is that how you speak to your friend?  No wonder your friend is ticked off with you.

    EDIT : I don't know why you are writing in riddles.  Why don't you just come out with what you mean? And what it is that you want to know?

    Bible writers never claim that the message is their own examples -  (2 Samuel 23: 2 & 3)  (2 Timothy 3:16) (2 Peter 1: 19 -21) and (Jeremiah 30: 1 & 2)

    What was it that you showed your devout Christian friend Liam, who is a trainee minister?  Was it 1 Timothy 2:12 by any chance?  Or 1 Corinthians 11: 3, 5 & 6 etc?  Or could it have been 1 Corinthians 14: 34 - 37?

    That's what I don't understand about today's Church.  Either we follow ALL of the Word of God or none of it.  We cannot pick and choose but that is what many seem to do and I don't understand that myself, I have to be honest.

  • 1 week ago

    An atheist doesn't care about other people's religion. You should know that it's not worth it. Christians care so much because they think their god wants them to convert you. That's why they stick their nose in everything. To you none of it matters. Nobody wants you to convert anybody. Just sit back and relax. 

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