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Lv 5
Steve asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 week ago

Voting rights?

In the wake of many states passing and trying to pass restrictive voting, should we do something about it? I'm not saying protest. I'm saying, maybe the federal government should make the Tuesday of voting a federal holiday. So, if you don't want mail in ballots or anything like that, people who actually work and can't make it to the polls before 5:00 PM can have the day off to vote. 

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    The dems should swarm to the places enacting laws that make it harder to vote and help people registered dem to overcome the new difficulties. That would give dems the advantage.

    I'm for making it mandatory to vote in exchange for the federal holiday. The penalty would be minor ... like a $15- fine.

  • 1 week ago

    Restrictive ?

    Like requiring someone to pass a Drivers Test to get a license ?

    Or requiring someone to be over 21 to by beer?

    Or like requiring someone to be over 18 to enter a legal contract? ....

    If you had Brains you would be Protesting the LACK of Verification the CRIMINAL Politicians require for people to Vote in American Election !!!!

    Spoon feeding people everything only results in weak dumb people !

    Also if we "Required" People to show ID, when voting THOUSAND of illegal Votes would not happen !

    Also to think Restrictions are too suppressive, just shows you have been brain washed by the RACIST DEMOCRATS ! (See Video)

    Attachment image
  • Archer
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Understand that one has to provide a license to operate a car, it isn't racist but it is a precondition which allows one to operate that vehicle. Much the same as having to demonstrate one is an American or at least Legal In America isn't racist either as apparently now they are saying that Nationality and Ethnicities are race bases. You have the right to take time off from your employment to vote.

  • y
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I agree that they should make it a federal holiday.  I disagree with many of the things they are trying to implement, as being restrictive. My blue state already has laws agaisnt approaching and encroaching on people in lines, or even how far people have to be away from the parking lot or voting booths.  They, as in Georgia, lowed the verification requirement on their signature verification software, so they could handle the increased volume if mail in ballots. One or the other needs to be addressed/fixed. Either have software that can run effectively at that volume at the normal settings, or limit mail in volume or. Have a secondary verification platform in place. That seems to make sense.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Your premise is false.  Not a single state is passing laws to restrict voting rights.  That is leftist propaganda, and you are a fool to believe their lies.

  • 1 week ago

    We need strong action to counter the massive fraud that occurred. Here are my plans, which I've passed along to my Congressman and Senator. 1. Military to patrol, administer, and tally the vote. 2. Standardized polling times, like 8am to 6pm. 3. No more mail in voting at all, except Military and infirm. 4. Limit the location for polling places. 5. Voter ID. 6. Election Day is the only day to vote. 7. All votes must be tallied within 24 hours. 8. Approaching people in line at a polling location is a crime

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