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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsInfectious Diseases · 1 week ago

Is this pandemic permanent?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Yes the pandemic will be permanent. You will have to wear a mask 20 years from now. The lockdowns will continue. The social distancing will continue. New vaccines will rollout every 20 years. We are headed into the dark ages. People will get used to it. This is the new normal. The days of large public gatherings are over. Big tech and big pharma profit too greatly from this pandemic. Just as the military industrial complex profit from the war on terror. Did you think we'd still be taking our shoes of at airports 20 years from now? You'll have to get a COVID test when you travel and they'll will also require vaccines. No one cares because the airline industry was never profitable.

    You'll know this pandemic will be permanent when in August. The first round of vaccines will start ware off, and healthcare workers will have to line up to get their next round. Suddenly a study funded by big pharma will say the truth. Variants are resistant to the COVID vaccines. And then they will sell you booster shots.

    After 4 months since being approved by the WHO less than 4% of the global population has been vaccinated. You do the math. We need at least 60% to achieve herd immunity. 41% say they won't take it. It's not going to end.

    Fauci is was there since the AIDS pandemic in the 80s. 30 years later it is still a pandemic. Wearing a mask will be as normal as wearing a condom during sex.

    It might move to the back of people's minds in a couple of media cycles. But most health experts agree it will become endemic which means it is here to stay. Every couple of years there will be outbreaks and flare ups.

    I think alot of people who think this seem like conspiracy theorists. This is not based on some whacking claim of some deep state. Money has influence. And the lobbyist are pushing hard to prevent Biden from waiving vaccine patents and opening up IP to improve production around the world. People have a tendency to act in their interest even if it harms others. They don't think profiteering from a pandemic is bad. They are just doing their job.

    I hope I'm wrong and COVID will go away for good. We all want that. But wouldn't the world be a nicer place without terrorism, disease, and natural disasters? Those things still haven't gone away. COVID has won and it will just be one of those diseases that people get and die from every so often, just like cancer, or someone overdosing on heroin. It will become another statistic like the people who die in car accidents every year.

    The people with long haul symptoms of COVID will have them forever. It is chronic. People from the SARS pandemic years ago still have long haul symptoms from SARS. The damage to the nervous system, the lungs, and organs, all the issues caused with breathing, fatigue, shortness of breath, will last forever. Millions of people will have this. And they will be disabled. People will sell treatments to them. And they will be a very profitable market.

    COVID spreads faster than we can vaccinate. It spreads exponentially while our vaccine rollout in linear. Its mathematically impossible to vaccine fast enough to end it at our current rates. The only way might be ring vaccination. But that won't be profitable as mass vaccination and it risks ending the pandemic which can be highly profitable over the years.

    The COVID pandemic will likely be permanent to answer your question.

  • 1 week ago

    Yes, unfortunately it will be here, I am guessing for at least the next 5 to 10 years.  But I am only making a guess, and my answer should not be taken as fact.

    Why am I making a guess of 5 to 10 years?  Because I am thinking one of two things.  First, my opinion is that the virus will just be here, and no matter how many people get vaccinated, the virus will continue to be here.  It will diminish on its own.

    My second thought is that eventually enough people are going to get infected, knowingly or unknowingly, and again the virus over time will diminish.

    I recently had "cold like symptoms" stuffy nose, regular cough, but then I got chills 4 days later and thought chills aren't normally associated with a cold.  At least for me personally.  So I went and got tested.  The way I feel right now, is tired, and no appetite.  I eat no breakfast, I'll have one sandwich for lunch, and nothing for dinner.  Never lost taste or smell, although breathing through my nose is weird, as it smells like rubber on and off all day long.

    So whatever this is that I got, is more than a common cold.  But things are slowly returning to normal, and I'm hoping eventually I'll be back to being me again.

    But to be honest, I do see a timeframe of at least 5 to 10 years for the virus being here.  I hope I'm wrong about it, because everything about this just plain sucks.

  • This PLANdemic isn't even REAL! 90% of doctors will tell you this if you just ask instead of getting your information from liberal stooges like Anthony Falsi! 

  • 1 week ago

    Yes, COVID is eternal. Thousands of new variant possibilities remain to be unleashed. Time shall brew a more powerful variant. A variant to rule them all. It will spread. The true panic will begin.

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  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Not permanent but it will last for several years.  Luckily the idiots in the government are starting to see that we are done with this "stay in your houses away from everyone" crap of the past year.  

  • 1 week ago

    I believe that nothing will be permanent.These viruses were earlier there in a less danger form and I believe as the time passes our body will be immune to this virus too.

  • 1 week ago

    No. It is not permanent. Once we reach herd immunity whereupon the hospitals can manage the infections, the pandemic will be declared over.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    The faster that everybody gets a vaccine the better it'll stop new strains from developing. We may need to stay on top of vaccinating for this disease for 3 years.

    But the sooner everybody gets busy the faster it will be over

  • not now the vaccine has been rolled out.

  • jijawm
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    Provides a cloak for the evildoers to round up all the politically incorrect and send them off to the Guantanamo Gulag, oops, Critical Race Theory Re-education Camp.

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