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do you think we should have been let off detention because its the end of term ?

i have just got home from serving a 1 and a half hour after school detention, this was my punishment for messing around in class, our detentions are on tuesdays and fridays, but because its easter we broke up today, thursday, because of this i thought my detention punishment would carry over until the next term, because its easter we had an end of term assembly, then we were free to go, to my horror those in detention were escorted to the detention room, room 3 in total there were 21 one of us all being punished for one reason or another, we had to sit at our desks in TOTAL silence and do work set by the teacher that had put us in detention, i had to write a 4 page essay on why its important to behave in class, it was HORRIBLE , what i am saying is i think we should have been let off because of the easter holiday WHAT DO YOU THINK ?

2 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Punishment is punishment... Show you are worthy of being an adult and take it and learn from it.

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    I agree with the punishment.

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