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Are some women mentally insane? They love to tell dudes... "You can’t afford me"?

I interpret that as soliciting for sex. Might as well walk around holding a sign stating you have sex for money. These types of women I start laughing at and let some weak beta rescue them.

Why waste time paying to date you when one can just pay for sex upfront?

All women today see themselves overvalued because of betas throwing too much attention to them. Nope I don't play that game any more.

High maintenance women are just covert prostitutes.

3 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    When I was in my 20s, I married a rich girl who had no concept of money; and after about four years, she left me because she wasn't happy living in my middle class world.  So, she married her rich boss who was twice her age.

    Almost 45 years later, I presume he has been dead for a decade, and I am a multimillionaire who is in good health who is married to a decent woman who appreciates what I have provided her.  

    If you meet someone like that, mention that her looks are a depreciating asset, and a long-term relationship will not last if it is based on her presumed physical attractiveness.

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    Right. They say it or imply it in different ways. Don't be a simp. Have some self respect. If you don't respect yourself, who will? If you allow a woman to disrespect you, it's over.

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    Low maintenance women are with low-maintenance men. 

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