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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceCredit · 3 days ago

Will my card be refunded?

Weird question but I bought something at a local grocery store, who has an app where you can checkout on and it automatically charges the card you have on file. (HEB Go, for anyone who's heard about it.) I returned something after having bought it with my dads card on the app. I told them I didnt have my dads card and they told me to insert another card, and the only other one I had was mine so I inserted my card and it supposedly refunded to my card.. Will the funds really go back to my card if they weren't purchased with my card though...? 

I only returned them yesterday so nothing has shown up on my transactions yet.. 

2 Answers

  • 3 days ago

    Keep a close eye on it.  That sounds very absurd.  Nobody else can do it that way.  I don't know they can do it.

  • 3 days ago

    it might take time to have that happen

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