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Lv 7
Jake asked in Business & FinanceCredit · 2 days ago

Does not paying your credit card in full hurt your score?

I have a co worker say he had a $800 credit bill and the minimum payment was $50. He paid only $300 saying he has to pay his other bills, so he has revolving debt all the time but says he has an excellent score approved for a small mortgage and what not. He will pay it the day before its due.

Then I have a student friend just got a credit card had it for 1 year, he pays his credit card as soon as he spends it, so he buys clothes worth $100, he will pay it the same day, so way before he will even get the bill, but he needs a co signer with the phone plan he is getting cause he is new.

2 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    2 days ago


    In fact

    best practice is to pay your credit cards BEFORE the total equals 10% of your total credit.

    So - for example - if you have a total credit limit of $10,000 in all of your credit cards

    then for best credit rating

    you should keep your total credit card debt to < $1,000.

    That means: for the best credit score in that example

    every time your total credit card debt approaches $1,000

    you should pay the credit cards off.

    So: your "student friend" is actually doing the best thing to keep the credit score as high as possible

    but it probably makes a difference of < 50 "credit score" points.

    Someone with established credit

    and/or a high-paying job

    probably does not need to concern themselves with such small amounts of "credit score" points.

  • 2 days ago

    As long as payments are on time and in excess of minimum balance due, your credit rating will go up. It shows you NEED them. That's where he shows his value to them as a cash cow. The trick is, once you get that marriage, get rid of credit card debt ASAP.

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