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white Americans does it bother you that your ancestors used t be slaves?

during the middle ages, most peasants were permanently tied to the land under a feudal caste system. most serfs did not know how to read or write and they lived in a state of poverty and ignorance.

this ignorance along with lack of modern agricultural equipment made them slow and reluctant workers which is why famines were so common back then.

how do white Americans feel about their ancestors in the feudal era being landless illiterate slaves who were brutally oppressed by the church and their landowners.

6 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    No, not particularly.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Slavery has been going on for thousands of years, and still happens today in some places. It’s not specific to any culture or race. My ancestors built the pyramids in Egypt. Slavery is barbaric, but it’s time for people to move on. Instead of focusing on the horrible conditions our ancestors lived in, we should try to improve conditions for people going forward. 

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    2 days ago

    Since none of them are alive now, that does not effect me.  And claiming the church enslaved them, you need to define what “church “ you are referring to.  Because Christians do not enslaved people in obedience to the word of God.

  • 2 days ago

    It doesn't bother me in the least.  Why would it?   

    For the record, my ancestors on my mother's side were mostly from Germany, and immigrated to America around 175 years ago.  Since in Germany the common people had very few rights until the 19th century, it's very likely that my ancestors who lived before then WERE peasants and serfs.

    I have no doubt at all that my ancestors, especially those who lived before emigrating from Germany, endured many struggles, were probably exploited and suffered from hunger, injustice, lack of medical care and education.  That's why they came to America and I'm very glad they did.

    I wouldn't want for any human being to suffer, but nobody's life is perfect.  Mine sure isn't.  And more to the point, THIS IS 2021.  My ancestors are long gone, and I can't help them or change the past in any way.  Besides I wouldn't be me if my ancestors had not been who they were, complete with their own less-than-perfect lives.  

    Using your dead ancestors to claim that you yourself are owed something is only a money grab.  Your ancestors suffered?  Well, they're not suffering now, are they?  Your own life is imperfect?   Welcome to reality, buster.  Stop whining and get over it.

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  • 2 days ago

    Sounds more like present day China.

  • Sky
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Not so much that there's a chance my direct ancestors used to be slaves, but the fact that slavery ever existed at all.  The concept of owning another human being as property, to be forced into labor under threat of severe punishment ranging from beating to murder, is insane, abhorrent, and despicable.  Even if my ancestors were royalty in the cast systems, I would still feel exactly the same.

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