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is skull reshaping surgery dangerous or risky?

i was thinking about it because i have a big forehead, prominent which sticks in my 40s and only on benefits, would the NHS do that kind of surgery and is it dangerous or risky?

2 Answers

  • 2 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    It’s regarded as risky due to it being very bloody and also with a higher risk of infection, brain damage and facial nerve damage.

    The NHS will only allow it if the benefits significantly outweigh the risks: such as if the psychological damage caused by any cosmetic defect is proven to put the patient at a high risk of suicide.

    It’s far cheaper and safer with no side effects to give psychological help to get the patient to accept how they look. Even if surgery was to be considered, surgeons would insist upon all non-surgical potential remedies being exhausted first. 

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    No chance it's cosmetic, we don't have enough money for cancer treatment.

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