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Incessant coughing?

Its seems when my stepfather has a puff on his vape, that's when he coughs, but it never stops, all day and all night. The friggin vape is attached to his hand. But when we went to get our Covid shots, all was quiet...I should mention he's 92, and most people would say...let him be, but when you have to listen to this all night, no sleep! We've been through 2 chest X-Ray, one CT scan. Doctor didn't find anything! I'm at wits end...we've been giving him night time robitussin and coricedin. But 5 hours later (2am) it all starts again..I bought a voice activated recorder to show his doc, but forgot it this morning!

2 Answers

  • 20 hours ago

    Gramps is using the vape wrong.  Coach him to draw the vape into his mouth before inhaling, like he would do when smoking a cigarette.  Chances are he is inhaling it directly into his lungs (like you would when smoking a joint) which is why he is choking on it.  Same thing happened to me when I first vaped.

  • edward
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    He’s lived a full life.  This is why euthenasia should be legal

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