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does anyone worry that youtube will remove the video comments feature?

along with the other censorship that's taking place across the internet, some people think the far left establishment want to shut down opinions that stray from the mainstream narrative?  

and i know that youtube has already stopped the commenting on a lot of the music videos and childrens videos....but there is still the comments feature enabled on many other videos....and i was worrying will the powers that be completely remove all comments so we have no voice on things at all?

does anyone worry that could happen?

3 Answers

  • 7 hours ago

    They already have to tens of millions that stated FACTS and didn't support their communist agenda

  • 10 hours ago

    actually, YouTube used to block links to non-YT websites. after Google bought it, they changed it, and allowed profanity (which WAS censored, previously).

    Google is very anti-censorship, though they block it in instances where children are the main target, for legal reasons.

    currently, it is 100% up to the uploader to decide if comments are allowed on their videos...

  • 18 hours ago

    I like to believe they know just how terrible a marketing strategy that would be. Besides, I've not heard of any times the YT comment section caused anything extreme due to being out of control...

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