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Atheists, What is your stand on meditation?

Nothing to believe here. The benefits of meditation are scientific, proven and documented.

Sam Harris himself has acknowledged the benefits of meditation, I think.

Would you acknowledge it, or oppose for the sake of it, as meditation is prescribed by many religious folks?

12 Answers

  • 18 hours ago

    As long as you don't meditate on the supernatural..I see no issues doing it

  • David
    Lv 4
    20 hours ago

    I used to meditate a lot, but have gradually reduced the amount of time I meditate over the years.

    I do other things that provide calm, peace, and relaxation.

  • 20 hours ago

    I think it's an extremely useful practice for many people who need to quiet their minds and concentrate their attention on the moment.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    20 hours ago

    Meditation is just a psychological practice and, like any other of them, has very limited application and definitely is not cure-it-all for everybody.

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  • 20 hours ago

    I have never been able to stand on meditation.



    John Popelish

  • EddieJ
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    I'm not great at it, and I'm not even sure if what I do should be called meditation.

    All I do is attempt to quiet my mind when I go to bed by silently counting my breaths.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    There is plenty of evidence supporting the physiological and psychological benefits of meditation.

  • Meditation benefits the mind, because it's essentially turning off all stimuli and reaching inside yourself. This doesn't need to be religious and I've never seen Abrahamists actually practice this religiously. The benefits to meditation in Buddhism are namely the rooting out of bad habits, to become more aware and present, and generally understanding yourself better. Which Abrahamic religions to not encourage. You are a pawn in a bigger game in those religions. You're told what to do, how to act, how to think with no good methodology in changing yourself to naturally do what God wants. It's all about forcing it, treating like the enemy as to manipulate people into thinking they can just flick a switch and be different.

  • 21 hours ago


  • 21 hours ago

    Meditation is a healthful practice and has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of any gods.  Theists and atheists can both benefit from meditation if they want to.  

    P.S. - I like Sam Harris but I'm not going to like or dislike an idea just because he said it, I'm going to like or dislike the idea based on the idea.  An idea isn't valid or not based on who said it.

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