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Sun Damage: calling all skin experts ?

hi all, i am a teenager who has had these dark spots on my face for ten years!! i’ve tried EVERYTHING to remove it but had no type of results. i’m unsure what it is exactly but but i think it could be sun damage. If you could help tell me what procedures to do/ what products could remove it please inform me:) i’ve had it for so long i feel as though NO brightning cream could help. 

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2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    Seek out the assistance of a good dermatologist.  This doctor will help you with the condition of your skin.  There are treatments that can restore your skin back to its original condition.    Sometimes all it takes is a dermabrasion session or laser treatments.  Trying to fix spots with OTC products is a very bad idea because most of the stuff out there are garbage items that will rob you of your $$ and give you zero results.  Dermatologists are much more reliable and will give you honest treatments that work well.

  • 13 hours ago

    You should get medical advice from a medical expert (i.e. doctor) not from us random yahoos.  Even if one of us is actually a doctor they wouldn't give you any medical advice over the internet without physically examining you (it would be unprofessional).  So I wouldn't trust someone who did.

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