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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationInsurance & Registration · 13 hours ago

Who is at fault for this accident that was a set-up?

I'm waiting at the stop sign to make a left turn. A car coming from the right with no stop sign slows down and waves at you to go ahead and when you are making the turn, he accelerates and smashes into you on purpose.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    YOU are at fault for NOT YIELDING THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. The other driver can simply deny everything. Without a reliable eye-witness or video of it showing clearly what happened, you're SOL. 

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    He had the right of way and without a dash cam recording to show him waving you on, you have no chance.

    And you can buy a dash cam for as little as $20

  • CB
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    Unless you have video, you are at fault. He may have been waving a butterfly away from his face - but proving he waved you on will be impossible. 

  • 13 hours ago

    It was a set-up, and you're at fault as far as the insurance company and police are concerned.

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