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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceTeaching · 14 hours ago

Why do some students go wild when they leave for uni?

I notice a lot of the students who go wild (like drinking everyday, going "out" everyday, staying out late, etc) have no self restraints because they haven't experienced life properly and were sheltered as children and teenagers. 

Because they have no self restraint or how to behave appropriately as their parents have restircted or put unfair expectations on them such as unreasonable curfews. 

I wonder how to help these students before they do soemtning risky or put themselves in danger recklessly. 

Updated 14 hours ago:

How often should they go "out" (I'd say depends on their workload and obligations), what's a reasonable time to get home (if out with friends 10-11 is appropriate, if not then get back for 9-9 30), how much to drink (depends on range of factors)

2 Answers

  • 8 hours ago

    In my experience, it was the kids whose parents had been most strict who went wild when they got to uni. They had no experience with making decisions for themselves. But I have to disagree with you. We often went out for a beer at 10, home by 12 or 1, up for classes in the morning. University students shouldn't have to be in bed by 9:30. But they do need to have the self-discipline to know when they need to stay in and study, and when they can go out. 

  • 9 hours ago

    Because they are adults age 18. They feel free from their parents' control.

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