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Lv 7
? asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 10 hours ago

I keep seeing AGW believers (accepted science) accused by AGW deniers of denying science. What specifically, in detail, do they deny?

In other words, could someone post the science IN DETAIL that successfully refutes Anthropogenic global warming, i.e., man emitting too great a volume of greenhouse gases, chiefly carbon dioxide, because of burning too much fossil fuel? 

Please don't make a complete fool out of yourself by accusing anyone of being a sock account, or a paid poster, or someone pretending to be someone else. I cannot accept answers such as, "It's a cultural marxist illuminati Al Gore George Soros Obama Hillary  communist liberal leftist plot by Liberal vampires." Just SHOW ME THE DAMN SCIENCE. PLEASE!

Updated 10 hours ago:

Short simple Summary of accepted science from 'scientific American':

"Earth transforms sunlight’s visible light energy into infrared light energy, which leaves Earth slowly because it is absorbed by greenhouse gases. When people produce greenhouse gases, energy leaves Earth even more slowly – raising Earth’s temperature."

Updated 9 hours ago:

The question only concerns global warming itself, though I believe global warming is currently accepted as the main cause of the CURRENT climate change today.

3 Answers

  • David
    Lv 6
    8 hours ago
    Favorite Answer

    U_bin_called's rambling answer sums it up fairly well. A lot of them think that using greenhouse gas emissions to explain the current warming requires that no other cause could have ever driven a warming in the past. About as logical as saying that if a deer can die of cancer then this proves it can't be killed by a gun. It's particularly simple minded because many of the different past natural changes were for totally separate reasons. It's not as if one single force caused every climate change ever. "Naturally" is not a scientific explanation. Greenhouse gas changes explain this warming event, and it's almost certainly not the only one. 

    It's also a rather arrogant belief. Do they actually think that the climatologists studying climate change aren't aware of past climate changes? Most of the same scientists researching global warming today are the same ones who figured out past climate change patterns in the first place. All so people on the internet could come back and tell them "hey 'global warming' scientists, looks like you never heard the one about the climate changing before!"  

  • 10 hours ago

    climate change is real....

    I can point to large swaths of lifeless desert that were once fertile valleys and large cities along thriving trade routes....

    the wisest and most-educated men warned of impending disaster if those in power did not give up their unsustainable lives of greed and excess...

    that was over 1,000 years ago....the spot on the map is the southern Arabian Peninsula and back then, the most-educated and learned men were called "priests"...and "climate change" was called the "Wrath of God".... 

    how does your "science" explain that?  how do your warnings differ from theirs?  

    ultimately, isn't this just another installment in the age-old cycle of "who gets to name God?"

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    They deny that climate change is happening.  Or as a fallback position, they claim that the impact is completely positive.  Please help out by reporting all their off-topic questions about farts and ice cream.

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