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Politics: Does Caitlyn Jenner have a chance of becoming governor of the state of California?

Caitlyn Jenner is going for the Golden State’s gold medal in a possible bid to take on Gavin Newsom to be California’s next governor.

The 1976 Olympian and Keeping Up with the Kardashians star is in serious conversations about putting her name on the ballot to face off against the besieged incumbent in a recall election this fall, Deadline has confirmed. However, what the ultimate result of that intention both tactically and strategically will be is TBD, we hear.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe. Better than dipsh*t newsom.

  • 2 hours ago

    With the insane culture we are experiencing lefties any thing goes culture. Yes more likely He-She will make the cut.

  • 2 hours ago

    No.... Because she isn't running for governor... Wtf lol

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    I don't know.  Is Bruce woke enough to be a slimy little leftist dictator?                        

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  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    Does the thought of it turn you on?

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