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Alexis asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 5 hours ago

Why did Nazi Germany go after unions and made it illegal and not allow people to strike?

Why did Nazi Germany outlaw unions and strikes and made it illegal. Not allowing people to form unions or allowing strikes. Why did they make this illegal? Spain and Italy did same thing. 

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    40 mins ago

    Because any politically powerful organisation could threaten the power of the NSDAP.

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    2 hours ago

    Because they were nazis, that's why. They killed people, they sent their own people to labor camps if they didn't have jobs. It would have been easier and cheaper to send the Jews to another country, but their plan was to take over the world, not to clean up their own nation.

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    Extreme right wing fascist authoritarianism dictates. Gov doesn't want the people interfering w/ it's agenda. 

    Hitler legalized abortion but not to give the woman a choice like left wing America. He was trying to breed a superior race and wanted gov to have the choice. He also sterilized thousands of people.

  • Ludwig
    Lv 7
    4 hours ago

    Hitler was not originally wholly anti-union. In 'Mein Kampf' he explained why he would not attempt to set up Nazi unions in competition with the communist dominated unions in the Weimar Republic.  This was that a union must be able to fulfil the social obligations for which it has been collecting dues, and that a new Nazi union would be unable to provide for its members.  He believed in single union no strike agreements, with state run unions.

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  • Anonymous
    4 hours ago

    A lot of industry was either state-run or controlled by people who supported the Nazis. Strikes are bad for business and unpopular with the people. In Spain it was the means that allowed Franco's party to take control.

  • 5 hours ago

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