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Why do gay guys have a hatred of the word ' dude ' ? Every time I use it gay guys mock me for it, why is that dude?

4 Answers

  • 3 hours ago

    "Dude" is a pretty questionable word to me.  It makes me think of cowboys.  I suppose if you're into that it's okay.

  • Anonymous
    4 hours ago

    Because you are an idiot troll.

  • 5 hours ago

    I would like to know exactly how you know the sexuality of these people who so upset you.    Clearly not everyone who protest would be gay as for that to be so would suggest most everyone you know is gay. 

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Same for me, and I am not gay. Buzz word of the current smartass generation, like narcissist/karen/text speak.

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