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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 11 hours ago

Democrats/Progressives. What don't you like about the new voting laws in GA. Please be specific. That is if you can be.?

2 Answers

  • TomB
    Lv 7
    11 hours ago

    MY God because according to Biden, it is JIM CROW....  that "racist" thing includes "free ID's" for eligible voters, is designed to suppress the number of ineligible voters, limit the number of times you can vote to once and prevents the opportunity to buy votes from the people waiting in line (electioneering) that didn't vote early on one of the 17 days it was available...including on a couple of Saturdays. 

    - and both food and water are permissible if obtained from a self serve dispenser....maybe Coke should work with the State to put out some free Dasani dispensers at Polling Places if they are that worried about it. (it IS coming right out of Atlanta's aquifers and being sold to the rest of the world at a tidy profit...)

  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    Voting should be easy, you should be able to walk into a voting place, no wait times, show some form of ID and vote.  If you are unable to walk in, or don't want to, you vote by mail, like Trump did, or drop them off at a secure location on your way to work, not miles away.

    Make it simple, make it so that working people don't have to take time off to vote, that the elderly can vote, that the military and students can vote.

    It shouldn't be a crime to hand out water, it should be a crime to make people wait in line for more than 10 minutes in order to vote.

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