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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetGoogle · 11 hours ago

What is the fastest way to type something into Google and then get directions for it?

1 Answer

  • 1 hour ago

    Best way I've found so far, is using the google assistant on mobile device.  I've said these things before to make it quicker:

    "Hey Google" wait for google to be ready to accept voice input...

    "How do I get to (city name) from here?"

    Google map app opens and instantly has a path drawn out already.  Then I just have to tap Start and I'm being navigated to my destination.

    "Hey Google" wait for google to be ready to accept voice input...

    "Send a text to Jim"

    "Okay.  What do you want the text to say?"

    "Hey Jim it's me, just wanted to let you know that I'm driving over to your place, and should be there in about 20 minutes"

    If google heard you right, (which is a damn miracle) then you would have to tap the send button to send the text.  It won't auto send it.  And I've even used google assistant to ask a question maybe if I'm playing WoW, I'll ask a question about the game while playing it, to get a quick answer etc.

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