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According to Republicans corporations are people.  Why are they trying to limit Delta, MLB, Coca Cola and others their right of free speech?

Now the GA legislature is actually trying to punish Delta for what they said.  Clear violation of 1A rights.

Updated 14 hours ago:

CS - Punishment and intimidation by the government  for what was said still violates the 1A.  But you are profoundly stupid so I am not surprised you don't see that.  

"In fact, an act taken in retaliation for the exercise of a constitutionally protected right is actionable under § 1983 even if the act, when taken for a different reason, would have been proper."

Updated 14 hours ago:

Ubin - so what did Delta do beyond criticize the law that they are accountable for that would require punishment?   Seems you missed a lot of lessons in middle school and beyond.

Updated 14 hours ago:

One more thing U microcephalic pissant - not all tax breaks are the same.  Some stimulate an economy, some are just give aways. You have no way of knowing my stance on tax incentives.  Another sign of deep stupidity.

Updated 9 hours ago:

Oracle - They have done nothing of the sort by voicing their disapproval.  Even if they were morons like you are you still think the 1A applies to corporations. It doesn't.  The government is prohibited from restricting speech, not people or private organizations.

7 Answers

  • Jeff S
    Lv 7
    14 hours ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they like suppression of free speech UNLESS it agrees with their false narratives!

    After all according to Republicans January 6th was a peaceful rally! It was Antifa and BLM who incited the rioting!

  • 13 hours ago

    That is a double edged sword.  Delta et al are depriving others of their free speech. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    13 hours ago

    You'll find that corporations are only people when it allows them to break laws.

  • Anonymous
    14 hours ago

    Not sure what the problem is, liberals want big corporation to pay there fair in taxes. I starting to think they don't no what they want except complain about everything 

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  • 14 hours ago

    as some of us learned in middle school, the concept of "free speech" does not eliminate accountability to the law....

    but hey.... nice to see you taking the side of billionaires again and supporting tax breaks for the rich.... maybe you can educate some of those Ocasio-Cortez voters in NYC....

  • 14 hours ago

    They spoke. They tried to help a lie that was started through Biden. But they spoke. Your premise is false. This is a part of the chaos that the Left inspires. Apparently the Georgia legislature is against voter fraud, and the corporations didn't know better than to get involved. But they got involved anyway, and so, that means they did something. Like I said, they spoke. Marsel, why do you people on the Left force people to speak sometimes? Is that wrong?

    Attachment image
  • 14 hours ago

    Hypocrisy and conservatives, name a more iconic duo.

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