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Native English speakers, could you please help me with these issues?

Which is correct:

a) "Your landlady was good enough to allow you to keep a small dog, so you shouldn't ABUSE her goodwill by having a large dog in." 

b) "Your landlady was good enough to allow you to keep a small dog, so you shouldn't PUSH her goodwill by having a large dog in."

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both are grammatically correct.

    "Abuse" is a much better word choice than "push", but even "push" is tolerable (I would say: a poor choice, but not an impossible choice).

    Other word choices:

    - ...trample on...

    - ...exhaust...

    - ...strain... (which is probably what you meant by "push")

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    With both options you need to drop that last word 'in'.  It is superfluous to your needs.

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