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Since science sides with liberals on every issue, why doesn't the republican party just give up and disband already?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 days ago

    Science is NOT about taking sides only those using Propaganda with the use of Diametric Polarization to foster the ILLUSION of sides which is actually designed destroy or discredit REAL education and scientific FACTS to achieve an ulterior motive and agenda are the one that think there is...


  • 2 days ago

    But it doesn't. There are lots of science papaers saying that masks are either pointless or dangerous but what do liberals believe?

    Liberals need to understand that there is more to science than what someone playing a scientist on TV says it is.

  • liberals don't believe in science. What are you talking about? I should know I'm a liberal. Look at climate change. liberals flap their arms about and are not listening to scientists. the entire green new deal will destroy our planet. 

    You have been totally brainwashed. 

  • 2 days ago

    Republicans know that facts and the truth aren't that relevant to politics.  What people believe are facts and the truth is.  Republicans don't need to give up; they can just discredit science.

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  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Most politics aren't scientific, idiot.  The only real scientific issue dividing the two is so called global warming

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