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Matt Gaetz begged Trump for a pardon before he left office. So how long did the GOP know about Gaetz and the 17yr old girl?

Matt Gaetz asked White House for blanket preemptive pardon

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    They've known for awhile, just like they've known tRump represents their rotten sense 

    of values and fake patriotism. Unfortunately for everyone on Earth, they played along.

  • 1 day ago

    I love these posts. What's your favorite outcome: A) Trump did the right thing and denied the request; B) It never happened and Trump did the right thing by exposing the media lies; C) all of the above.   Because, there really isn't another choice. Why does the media persist on making Trump the good guy is a far better question. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    and Gaetz thinks "the left is ruthless"    ha.  Him wanting a preemptive pardon is about as ruthless as one can get. 

    I think it's funny that Trump threw him under the bus, but even funnier that Trucker Carlson threw him under the bus.  

    They don't want to be in anyway associated with Gaetz because it brings heat on their own activities. 

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