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My sister's apartment was flooded last night. Her landlord must have done it deliberately but she can't prove it though. ?

She's intending to hire a lawyer to a) sue the landlord for damages  and b) speed up her re-housing by the Council. What are her chances of winning?

4 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    "but she can't prove it". Her chances are zero based on that statement alone. The lawyer will either refuse the case or ask for payment up front

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    who in their right mind would think a landlord would deliberately damage their own building?

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Yeah, because it's very common for property owners to damage their own property on purpose...LOL!

    The landlord isn't responsible for her things as long as the court decides that the landlord wasn't negligent.

    Your sister could have purchased renter's insurance to cover her belongings.  If she failed to do that, that's her problem, not the landlord's problem.

    Suing to speed up the Council is pointless. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Legal advice here is worth what you paid for it

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