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At this point, how much of mask wearing is "science" and how much is a matter of feeeeling better and how much is liberal virtue signaling?

Example 1.  On an airplane you can be arrested for not wearing a mask, but 2 minutes later everyone removes their mask, while sitting in exactly the same location, to eat and drink.  It would take magic, not science, to make one safe and not the other.

Example 2.  At the post office the other day, a woman went all nutty because someone at the next line over did not have a mask on.  That same woman then went back through the line, bumping into everyone, to escape instead of just exiting like you should.  She literally had to push back through the line, but she felt all virtuous, right?

Updated 1 day ago:

Gypsefish - What analogy?  This is real world stuff.  It is examples of what happens each day.

10 Answers

  • 1 day ago

    Tell us honestly, when was the last time you boarded a plane?  2019, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    I haven't had a cold in 15 months and no one else in my office has either.    It was really great to get through a fall/winter without a hurking cough for three weeks or having a bunch of staff absences due to easily preventable colds.

    Spit and snot contains cooties.  Keep it to yourself.  Wear a mask, wash your hands and respect the personal space of others.  

    And please let's get rid of the handshake.   All you have to do is look around and see where people's hands their noses, picking their teeth, rubbing their eyes, etc.   Hands are filthy so keep them to yourself. 

  • 1 day ago

    Apparently you haven't flown anywhere recently.

  • Dan
    Lv 6
    1 day ago

    That's why the pandemic went out of control in the US. It's not about rules and government policy. Infection is simply a virus vs host organism. It comes down to people's behaviour. 

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    wearing a mask REDUCES the chances of contracing the virus  because  it  helps control the natural process of osmosis...for other civs to not catch the virus from you.....and it does that substantially... 

    however the protection for the wearer is negligible

    so it's not feckking politicol, it's a means to help protect against a killer, what me to repeat that?, are you that stupid and ignorant?

    first of before coming on here trying to teach me total bs,  find out about the science and feckking find out what osmosis is...ok..?

  • 1 day ago

    It's scientifically proven that face coverings reduce the spread of infections that spread via respiration (breathing, breath). 

    That there may be instances where people use masks incorrectly or inconsistently doesn't negate that. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    False analogies. First, the airlines have stopped serving food on planes, precisely so people won't take their masks off. I flew recently. We were given a small bottle of water. We lowered the mask to take a sip, then pulled the mask back up. There was very little danger of droplets from our mouths and noses permeating the air.

    In the second example, the virus is spread by droplets, not by "bumping into" people. It doesn't pass through clothing. A ton of evidence says that masks protect everyone. Stop spreading misinformation. 

  • 1 day ago

    No, you can't get arrested for not wearing a mask on a plane, but you might be asked to get off.  If you refuse, and cause a scene, then you could be arrested for failure to follow flight crew instructions.  People on planes need to eat and drink, so they airlines allow for people to do so.  You are more likely to expel virus talking than eating. 

    In your second example, the women was an idiot. 

    I can't remember the state, but one of them had counties that required masking, and others that didn't.  There was clear evidence of increased infections in the counties that didn't require masks. So the science is correct. 

  • 1 day ago

    Surgeons, dentists and other medical personnel wear masks.

  • 1 day ago

    If you yourself are not sick you shouldn't be wearing a mask in reality

    Source(s): They taught me in preschool to cough in my shoulder and have respect for other people lol
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