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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleSkin & BodyOther - Skin & Body · 1 day ago

Infected belly button?

Hey guys! I got my belly pierced in December, I’ve noticed from the most part of time I’ve had the piercing when I push it up pus comes out, there’s no pain swelling redness or itching just the pus? Is this normal or is it something I need to get checked? X

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2 Answers

  • 17 hours ago

    I wouldn’t say it needs checked, but I would say it needs more attention. It doesn’t look infected but it could use more cleaning more often

    Source(s): I have multiple piercings
  • 1 day ago

    It doesn't sound, nor look infected so it's probably not "pus". More than likely it's trapped sebum just from it being an open hole in your body. Just make sure to keep it clean. If you ever decided to retire the piercing and the hole doesn't close up completely, you will probably still have this issue of trapped substance, it's nothing to worry about.

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