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Why doesn't America abolish all taxes and nanny programs?

Now with Biden the metrosexual president, we are now feeling the wrath of taxes hurting our pockets. He wants us to pay for nanny healthcare, useless high speed rail, and what? AFRICAN AMERICAN REPARATIONS? THIS IS INSANE. We shall not pay for the sins of our forefathers. We also shall not be bankrupted and cause a domino effect of losing business, and losing economy all together. Get your housing and to hell with your homelessness. BUCK YOU!!!!!!

6 Answers

  • 1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    Abolish all taxes ......... for Asians in Black neighborhoods ........ cause Blacks hates them ........... so they don't have to pay taxes to fund Black schools, cops, sidewalks, city workers, housing projects, food stamps, healthcare.

  • 1 day ago

     A completely apolitical, altruistic society could actually work. Could, but probably wouldn't.

  • 1 day ago

    Biden proposes raising taxes on those making over $400K per year, a small percentage of Americans.

    Bidens infrastructure plan will be paid for by raising taxes on corporations to 28%, not individuals.

    Tax revenues pay for such things as police and fire protection, the US military, new road construction and repairs, and more.

    Do you honestly believe a society could function at all without those types of services?

  • Pete
    Lv 5
    1 day ago

    Great idea. No taxes, no police no fire department no public schools and no military. How will you pay for them with no taxes?

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  • FitWit
    Lv 4
    1 day ago

    First, I consider it an honor and my patriotic duty to pay my taxes. Second, I support the rights of African Americans to to use the legal system to go after reparations for the unpaid work and the abuse their ancestors were subject to. I think it should be from the descendants of slave owners and not from all Americans. But that is for courts and politicians to work out. Third, far more of our tax dollars go to corporations than poor people.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Literally none of that is true. Unless you're making over 400k a year your taxes aren't going up at all.

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