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Why is reality different than what so called liberals claim on yahoo?

There will never be "vaccine" passports in the usa in free states

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    cause they think its real

  • 1 day ago

     There will likely be a vaccine passport. All Biden needs to do is set a deadline of say, August 1, 2021, requiring every person must be able to prove that they have received the vaccination in order to go onto federal property. Follow up shortly with a requirement that any business that relies on federal support (airlines, Amtrak, colleges, and Universities) prove they require proof of vaccination or risk losing federal money. That is just what happens when businesses are sponsored by the government. It’s the key element of fascism.

  • 1 day ago

    Think again.

    Several major pro sport leagues are strongly considering it before allowing people back into stadiums.

    Many large retail chains are also considering it.

    Not to mention if you want to travel anywhere outside of the US, foreign countries will be demanding it.

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