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U.S. to restore more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians. So, now they'll stop chanting "Death to America"?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    It’s their pay in aiding to bring down our democracy and help in establishing the one party dictatorship.  I guess a few congresswomen are happy. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 hours ago


    > > The Asker is correct to be concerned.”Palestinian” Arab reaction to 9/11:(> > > > Another answer contains falsehoods, to which I respond point-by-point, as follows:> > Other Answer:“The [resumption of United States] aid is useful and needed and helps the people [“Palestinian” Arabs]”> > My response:> > If “Palestinian” Arabs injure or murder an Israeli Jew including children, and the Palestinian terrorist is imprisoned by Israel, the “Palestinian Authority” aka Fatah (the P.A. is funded by the “European Union”) and the “Palestinian Liberation Organisation”, pay a reward-“pension” (under the “Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund “) to the family of the attacker.No wonder anti-Semites display such emotional-support for the “Palestinian” Arabs !> > The Palestinians cynically whitewash their anti-Jewish hate-war as: “uprising”, “defence”, “desperation”, “struggle”, “resistance”.Here is an example from the “Palestinian” Arab on-going anti-Jewish hate-war, where their propaganda typically refers to any consequential security measures as “Israeli-oppression”:> > Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, aged 13, fatally stabbed in her bedroom in West Bank by a Palestinian terrorist, June 30, 2016, The Guardian:(> > > > Other Answer:“1948 borders”> > My response:At the cessation of hostilities in 1948 there were armistice lines not true borders, with Egypt illegally-occupying Gaza and Jordan illegally-occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem from which they expelled the Jews.> > > > Other Answer:“even if Hagannah was disbanded”> > My response:The Hagannah was established to defend Jewish civilians in response to constant attacks on the then Palestinian Jewish community by the Arabs during the British Mandate. The Hagannah was disbanded in 1948 when the Israel Defence Force was established.> > > > Other Answer:“Palestinians”> > My response:> > During the British Mandate both the Arabs and the Jews were “Palestinian” under the British.Citizenship under the British Mandate was “Palestinian” irrespective of ethnicity:- - - - Start of extract: - - - -“During the Mandatory Palestine period, the term “Palestinian” was used to refer to all people residing there, regardless of religion or ethnicity, and those granted citizenship by the British Mandatory authorities were granted “Palestinian citizenship”.> > Extract source:(> > - - - - End of extract - - - -> > JEWISH citizens of British Mandate Palestine were Palestinian:Extracts from three British “Government of Palestine” passports,from which it can be seen that JEWISH citizens of the Mandate were “Palestinian”.PDF pages:Page 1 for an Arab name,page 2 for a Jewish name,page 3 for a Jewish name,page 4 Extract Sources:(> > > > Other Answer:“[...] even if [... the] Palestinians [were] permitted back into their own country [... the “Palestinian” Arabs] were kicked off their own land”> > My response:> > There has never been any indigenous “Palestine” / Arab sovereign state in the land of Israel by which the “Palestinian” Arabs could claim “back” / “get returned”, anything.> > The terms: “returning / giving back” land cannot make any logical sense in regard to Israel, since there has been no such implied Jewish / Israeli “theft” of any land, and there has never been any indigenous sovereign state of “Palestine”. Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland. The Jews have unbroken presence in their land and previous indigenous sovereign states there, since Biblical times.> > The “Palestinian” Arabs falsely-allege Israeli Jews all came from Europe; some Jews being returnee-exiles. Yet the Jewish People are indigenous to their ancestral homeland of Israel, with unbroken presence from Biblical times:(> > Israel is Re-established within the Jewish ancestral homeland: Map of the post-Biblical Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judah (aka Judea) including: West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights, capital (what is now EAST) Jerusalem / “Old City”; between 110 BCE / 754 BH and 63 BCE / 706 BH:(> > > > Other Answer:“the Palestinian people”> > My response:> > JEWISH citizens of British Mandate Palestine were Palestinian (see above).> > The “Palestinian” Arabs considering themselves Arab were opposed to being called a “people” until the 1960’s, when they decided it fitted with their intention to steal the land of Israel from its indigenous Jews:> > - - - - Start of extract: - - - -“When a user enters the word phrases “Palestinian people” and “Palestinian state” into the Ngram search bar, he discovers that they began appearing only in 1960.”> > Extract source:(> > - - - - - End of extract - - - -> > The Amended Palestinian National Charter (1968) - English, Article 5 defines the “Palestinians” as Arab.> > The “Palestinian Arabs” dropped the name “Arab” because they do not want you to understand they mostly originate from Foreign-Arab-Migrant-Workers who came to the land of Israel just prior to, and during the British Mandate, to take advantage of higher wages through Jewish returnee-exiles:- - - - Start of extract: - - - -> > “[...] most Arabs in British Mandate Palestine were migrant workers and descendants of the 1832-1947 wave of Arab/Muslim immigration from Egypt, the Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, North Africa, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, etc. While the British Mandate encouraged Arab immigration, it blocked Jewish immigration.”> > Extract source:(> > - - - - End of extract - - - -> > > > Other Answer:“Just as Hitler was seeking "der Leibenstraum" ” [...] terrorise people into leaving”> > My response:> > Falsely-comparing Israel / Jews / Zionism, with the Nazis, is typical “Palestinian” Arab reverse-fact propaganda. It is the “Palestinian” Arabs who have neo-Nazi beliefs.Image: “Palestinian protesters carry a transparent kite defaced with a swastika during clashes with Israeli forces across the border today [web page dated April 20, 2018] - [AFP/Getty Images].”:(> > False-allegations against Israel of:ethnic-cleansing / eviction / expulsion / intentional-displacement,and “Nakba” (see further below),all constitute “reverse-fact” propaganda, because the civil war which intensified during 1947 to 1948 was the Arab war not only to oppose the United Nations Partition Plan and instead take ALL the land of Israel, but also to ethnically-cleanse or murder the Jewish population from the Jews ancestral homeland of Israel. This was the Arabs violent rejection to the U.N. Partition Plan that would have provided a “two state solution”.> > The following source provides information on the Arab attempts to ethnically-cleanse the Jewish population between 1921 to 1948:(> > “Palestinian” Arab propaganda falsely-alleges the Re-establishment of Israel caused: a “great injustice” / “nakba” (“catastrophe” / “disaster”) to the “Palestinian” Arabs.In reality:  - The “Palestinian”Arabs violently rejected the Arab state of the United Nations Partition Plan; - Jordan and Egypt occupied the land proposed for an Arab state under the U.N. Partition Plan (approximating to the West Bank and Gaza); - BOTH Arabs and Jews, became war-refugees; - The Palestinians falsely-claim with no evidence of any such policy that they were expelled from the land; Jews were indeed expelled by the Arabs as policy.Therefore the reader is entitled to be sceptical about "Palestinian" Arab propaganda alleging a fantasy-injustice.> > There is no evidence that any Arabs evacuated from towns, were additionally “forced” from / expelled from the country. Example: village of Irqit - While some of its evacuees are said to have gone Lebanon most of them were evacuated to Rame (within the land).> > Let us also not forget that when the News Media refers to "Arab East Jerusalem", it also typically fails to mention that the Jews were expelled from East Jerusalem (the "Old City") by the Jordanians in 1948.(Please see the source which I have put into the Sources area of this answer.)> > > > Contributors, such as the author of the answer to which I responded above, would do better to consider getting their information from places other than pro-"Palestinian" Arab mouthpiece propaganda-comfort-websites.> > Pro-"Palestinian" Arab "propaganda-comfort-websites" are where pro-Palestinians, "Palestinian" Arabs, anti-Semites, and Neo Nazis, tend to go, for the comfort of having their anti-Semitic falsehoods against Israel and their revisionist-history reinforced by false non-verifiable propaganda.> > Here "Comfort" means reinforcing unverifiable and prejudiced-opinion or mass-produced propaganda, within a comfort-zone that avoids: Factual-information supported by objective-sources.> > "Palestinian" Arab "propaganda-comfort websites" being by their very nature, Not-objective, their content is likely to be both Unverifiable, and Untrustworthy.> > > > I hope this helps.> > Robert.

    Source(s): The Jews expelled from East Jerusalem (the "Old City") by the Jordanians in 1948: The Yahoo System often removes all carrier-returns, only affecting my answers to questions on the Arab / Israel dispute and does not affect other users. As I am unable to insert URLs to the Answer area in the normal manner, please copy the above URLs respectively, to a new tab in your web browser. (“> >” represents one blank line.)
  • 1 day ago

    Even if Israel was pushed back to its 1948 borders and even if Hagannah was disbanded and Palestinians permitted back into their own country it still doesn't get past the issue that they were kicked off their own land to put another country there.  Just as Hitler was seeking "der Leibenstraum".  This problem is not easily solved.  Once you could terrorise people into leaving then democracy denied them a say.  The constitution itself has been amended to ensure that it stays that way.  It is too late to fix but America is heavily blamed for the harm that has befallen the Palestinian people. The aid is useful and needed and helps the people but it doesn't address the real problems that they face every day.

  • 1 day ago

    i would hope so

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  • 1 day ago

    They'll use it to buy molotov kites for kids to fly over the walls.

  • Donnie
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    I guess that more money they can use to launch terror attacks against Israel. 

  • lol this biden admin is a joke.                           

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