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Is DeSantis the 'less crazy' version of Trump that conservatives will win the next election behind?

He can be loud when needed but is thoughtful and intelligent.

Updated 1 day ago:

Democratic mayors were defending him on tv after the 60 minutes interview.This is unheard of.

7 Answers

  • 1 day ago

    Well if those 1/6 boys wouldn't of explained Trump's meme to the world Republicans would only need to deal with one issue . I am an independent . 40% of voters are independents . I was republican because my father was . I am an Independent now and have never voted because i don't know both sides like you .

    That 1/6 thing can be strawman'ed to death but America has an opinion now and you know it . How much you know it is a thing .  MAGA .

     Make Attrition Gradual Again 

    Surprised about the 2016 win huh - It's always a surprise 

  • 1 day ago

    We are lucky to have him. He says closing schools last year was a mistake.

  • 1 day ago

    Desantis is the typical uneducated ignorant inbred Florida Man.  He's a dumb genuinely stupid racist PIG and he even LOOKS like a pig!  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    I love our governor.  Even the Democrat leaders in my county have backed him. Only one “sore loser” type who started this whole thing.   We’ll remember when she’s up for election next time. 

    De Santis  ASKED Palm Beach county (Democrat run)the  best way to get out vaccines. They suggested Publix.  Even the disgruntled dem admitted that.  If Dems would stop making this political!!!!  Our Democrat county mayor has to be commended for telling the truth and not bowing to Democrat pressure to lie.   I watched the local news conferences daily so I know what was said.   Our governor has done an outstanding job, really caring about the citizens and working with everyone to get the job done.  Blacks in our county are refusing to get the vaccine which attributed to low numbers NOT because the vaccine wasn’t available.  Libs won’t tell that many sites besides Publix are giving out vaccines.  60 minutes out and out lied. One PBC Democrat commissioner is demanding an apology from them.   This is unity. Doing the right thing fir the people, setting politics aside. 

    We also are the biggest transient state with many coming from NY and CA and all the spring breakers. Never had state mask mandate and schools have been open.  STILL not as bad as lockdown states.  

    Obvious that libs want a totalitarian government instead of a democratic one.  

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Republicans will never win the White House again.

  • 1 day ago

    He is thoughtful and intelligent like Donald Trump will be next year's Super Bowl MVP.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    DeSantis is a moron.  Florida is in the top 5 states for Covid infections.

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