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I miss my ex?

My abusive ex gf left me over a week ago

I was told i should be glad she left me as abusers rarely change

Is this true

3 Answers

  • 21 hours ago

    Anyone can change for better or for worse, but to change for the better takes considerable effort and technique.  Usually the abuser isn't interested in changing or putting out the effort to change.  Unfortunately, a lot of society still believes that women can't be abusive unless the victim is a wimp.

  • T J
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    They never get better only worse.  Yes, be glad she is out of your life.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Abusive Ex GF? You should indeed be happy that’s over. Now you don’t have to put up with her abusing you anymore. And yes, she obviously has an issue that is causing her to be like that, she won’t change. Focus on you and find someone who will treat you correctly. And don’t look back. You’ll get over her. Remember she didn’t treat you well. 

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