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4 Answers

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Find something you are good at, get the education/training necessary to perfect your skills, work at it 60 to 80 hours a week for decades .. and you will be rich.

    Everything in life has some sort of price tag.  If you are willing to pay that price, you get the reward. Whether it is money or love.

    But don't expect money to make you happy.  95% of our emotions arise automatically from whatever kind of pathways (neural programs) we have consciously inputted into our brain.  

    If we have pathways that generate discontent or unhappiness, money won't fix that. All money will do is to create temporary distraction from your unhappiness. Even those who win big on a lottery are only happier for about a year, and then revert to however they felt before they wont the money.

    If you are seeking HAPPINESS, learn how to generate it from inside.


    “Wealth & fame amplifies whatever is underneath. If you are unhappy, it makes you more unhappy. If you are insecure, it makes you more insecure. This is why so many people start to abuse drugs and become addicted once they become rich.

    If you are secure and at peace inside, wealth turns you into a philanthropist.

    In a way, wealth and fame are like marriage. None of these will make you happy unless you are already happy. And if you are not happy, they make you even unhappier.”


  • 1 day ago

    Get an education. The only way to make a lot of money.

    " First you get a the money; then you get a the women".--Tony Montana [scarface 1983]

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Get in your car, go to his house, and pick him up.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    The corner..... tax free honey 😉

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