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Is there any truth in the words of Imran Khan?

The Pakistan PM Imran Khan blamed how women dress for rise in rape cases and said 'not everyone has the willpower to avoid it'

Imran Khan blamed 'vulgarity' in society for sexual violence, saying modesty must be preserved because some men 'do not have the willpower to avoid it'

'World history tells when you increase obscenity in society, two things happen: sex crimes increase and the family system breaks down,'

2 Answers

  • 4 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he's totally correct.  Dress like a whore, you get treated like one.  It's not rocket science.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    I like how the human rights commission of Pakistan sentenced him to sensitivity training. It's just like the US in that regard. Did you violate the rules of feminism or liberalism in general? If the answer is yes then you are sentenced to sensitivity training. Does anyone really believe sensitivity training does anything? lol

    He's right on the second point. As society becomes more sexually loose the family breaks down right along with it. The first point is up for debate, but it should be noted that counties like the US, Britain, Sweden, Germany and Norway have high rape rates in comparison to the rest of the world. 

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