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Anonymous asked in HealthOther - Health · 22 hours ago

!Urgent! Help ASAP about Sex toys PVC phthalate-free?

I bought a sex toy that is PVC material, but it says it is phthalate-free. it has a bit of a chemical smell to it, and it was powdery when I first opened it. I cleaned it with a toy cleaner, but I still don't know. I've been calling around stores that sell it and they say it is safe. but when I search up to see if PVC is body-safe everyone says it is not. I used it once and I feel so so stupid. Obviously, I can't return it, because I used it and that would be clearly gross. What do I do? do I throw it out, and call it a lost cause, use a condom on it...etc? Also, I did put it in my mouth Idk if that makes a difference. should I go to the doctor and get checked out?

Updated 18 hours ago:

can I spray a silicone water-resistant sealant on it to make it silicone? would that be body-safe?

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1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    21 hours ago


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