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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 days ago

Is it true that George Floyd was a thug?

5 Answers

  • DK439
    Lv 5
    2 days ago

    Absolutely! Michael Brown was a rapist and Rayshard Brook assaulted Police Officers!

  • Aspen
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    Maybe...maybe not, but doesn’t matter. Floyd isn’t on trial here. Chauvin is. And Chauvin’s actions that resulted in someone in his custody to die. An officer, once they take someone into custody, is responsible for that life. The person in Chauvin’s custody, regardless of who it was, was killed by Chauvin’s use use of force that was far beyond anything needed to control his suspect. Hence Chauvin is on trial. 

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Is it true that a human being was murdered by an officer of the law?

  • 3 days ago

    The guy I saw in the video was a panicking man. I see this as a failing in training and judgement on the part of the officers. He did not seem dangerous. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20. Policing is not an easy job.

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  • 3 days ago

    No he was a father of six trying to turn his life around and hadn't committed a crime in 13 years.

    "Policing is not an easy job."

    No I'm pretty sure in this case it was pretty damn obvious.

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