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? asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 3 weeks ago

crushed a vein in finger?

I think I crushed a vein in my finger. I was being stupid and went to punch something and my ear bud got in the way and made full force contact with my ear bud and looks like it crushed a vein in my finger. A bump appeared and has since gone down a bit. Should I go to the doctors or will this heal on it's own?

2 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    The veins in your fingers are too small to cause significant damage when ruptured. When a vessel ruptures, the blood leaks out, leaving a bruise. Your case sounds like a bruise closer to the surface of the skin, which is why it swelled up. There's no need to go to the doctor, it'll heal on its own.

  • 3 weeks ago

    You don't have veins in your fingers. They are capillaries-- tiny little blood vessels that break or tear fairly easily, which is what makes you bruise. Yours is just closer to the skin's surface, so instead of a deep bruise, the blood leaked out just under the skin. It's called a hematoma and it will go away in time.

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