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  • I need some advice?

    Hi everyone,i just need some advice and help always so paranoid about getting pregnant after I have sex it never fails even though I used protection and the guy didn't even finish I'm still so worried about getting pregnant . How can I relax I literally will take 4 pregnancy tests .please tell how I can relax . I hate this feeling

    1 AnswerPregnancy4 years ago
  • I need some advice ?!?

    So paranoid about pregnancy I had sex witht friend a few days ago with a condom I m scared I might be pregnant please help!

    4 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • Still in love with my ex please help??!!!?

    Hey everyone OK I have been love with my ex for months I havent able too get over him. We recently reconnected and hung out . I was on cloud 9 when were together.the whole night I wanted too tell him but I didn't want him too freak out. He said he was talking too another girl and showed me her pic. I said thats cool .but secretly was a heartbroken to his defense he was totally upfront with me .this recent reconnect has really been getting too me so tonight I decided too tell him the truth .BC I figure what do I have too lose I told him everything .he said he didn't believe me :\ I just don't what to do now just I forget about him for good ? Please help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • My boyfriend isnt affectionate :(?

    Hey everyone :) OK sov I've been with my boyfriend for a few months now and I really like him he's so sweet and easy going hes very atentive I feel like I can really be myself with him . he's very understanding and we have so much in common :) the downside is he's not very affectionate with me for example if we re out he won't hold my hand he won't kiss me.I feel like he's embarrassed.I told him about it and he said he just hasn't had a serious relationship in a long time So he not used too being affectionate .its not a question if he likes me I know he does I just wish he would show it more do u think I should tell him this bothers me or let it go ? Thank u for any advice :),

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • So confused!?

    Ok everyone im 6 days late on my period :( I'm so confused BC the last time I had sexual intercourse my bf used a condom and he didnt finish in the condom .I've taken 5 pregnancy tests all came up negative I'm so worried about being pregnant I'm not ready to be a parent .I have an appointment in two days .I think I'm making it worse by stressing about it. any advice you guys would have would be greatly appericated .I just wish I could stop worrying thanks again.

    4 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Please help !?

    Hey everyone,so in going on Two days late on my period my bf and I only had sex twice and he swares he didn't finish both times so there's no way I can be pregnant I took two test and both came back negative I'm so worried I could be pregnant please help !?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • A little nervouse and confused !?

    Hey everybody,so I'm 5 days days on my period .I took 4 pregnancy test they are all coming up negative .Idk why I'm so late when I had sex I used a condom .please help where can I go from here ?

    2 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • So paranoid about being pregnant please help!?

    Hey everyone I'm freaking out please help .I slept with my friend the other day I made sure we used he sweares he pulled out I'm still so paranoid about pregnancy.what can I do to calm.down ? My period day is over 10 days away .please tell me how I can relax

    2 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • I'm so paranoid I'm pregnant?

    Ok so I slept with my friend the other day he used a condom and he told me that he didnt even finish when he got up I'm.worried be I didn't see any sperm in the condom or on me . .just so paranoid about being pregnant. What do u guys think ?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • my new pitbull baby name?

    Hey everyone :) im getting a new blue nose pit bull puppy next week I'm so excited I've always wanted a blue nose Pitt:) I want a girl what should I name her ? Thanks

    9 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • this might sound silly?

    Hi everyone ,

    I just got a second job,but im scared if i take it my dog is constantly be by herself and she ll never see me.should i just wait to get a second job or take thus opportunity? Thank u

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • can i live off 1200?

    Hi everyone,ok im moving out next year i make 1200 a month after tax i paid my car off so no car payment.i make 600 every two weeks how much rent can i afford ? Along with all the other stuff ? Thanks:)

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • i wanna move to san diego?

    Hi everyone,OK i know this might seem far fetched but i need all the help i can get.i live in az born and raised,last year i went to San Diego and absolutely fell in love.i would looove to live there.i know it cost a pretty penny to live there but i think its so i just like to.know where do i start if i want to move there i have my ged and have always had a descent paying job.mostly retail.whats the cheapest rent there? I have a car i just need a plan please help!

    2 AnswersSan Diego7 years ago
  • I want to be a CASINO cashier?

    hi everyone,Ok i applyed at my local casino to be a cage cashier.I was just wondering how much experience do I need what does the job entale,I do have 5 years of cashier experience.I want the job soo can them to hire me?thank u:)

    3 AnswersGambling7 years ago
  • i have fallin in love with a married man?

    OK hi everyone! i need to ask a very important question and i really need some closure if im being completely honest. alright here it goes ,I met this man 5 years ago and i lost my virginity to him. I knew he was married and in the beginning it didn't really bother me.but as the years went i fell more and more in love with him I SEE HIM EVERY WEEKEND. and whenever i call him he hangs up the phone on me.I know i deserve better but sometimes i feel like i cant move on.i really need some advice on how i can forget about him and move on with my life once and for all. thank you soo much,

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Math section of the ged test?!!?

    Hi everybody in taking my ged test in two days I've passed every section except the math, its always been such a struggle for me can anyone give some advice on how to make it easier any websites to make it simple thank u so much

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Moving out for the first time?!?

    Hi everyone, ok so I'm moving out on my own for the first time,I'm pretty nervouse about it, but i know its something i have. to do ,I've never been away from my family . I just need some advice on how to take that first step.thank u so much.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • i want to talk but i dont what to say?

    Ok everyone need some help here,i really like this guy,but everytime i see him he just wants to talk about his brother because I'm good friends with or

    what can i say to change the subject,i don't want to look silly or desperate .i just don't know what to say help!

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • this is gonna sound strange?

    Ok I really need some help here,so the other day I was thinking about my ex,and much I really wanted to see him agian its been over a year anf half since ive seen him I cant remember his phone number and im not sure if he still has facebook is there any ot hg er way I can get a hold of him?

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • im so confused and heartbroken?

    ok I need some advice my boyfriend is schizophrenic and ive always know this it hasnt been a very seriouse at all he takes meds,but the other night we were sleeping together and he thought I said his brothers name!I of course didnt say this he started telling me that I wanted to be with him just really freaking out.I kept trying to reasure I didnt say this He didnt believe me.he hasnt texted me in two days Im so confused and hurt Iwould never do this.I just need some advice to deal with it thank you.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago