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  • How to map blood tests to PH level in urine?

    I have googled this unsuccessfully. Is there a chart that maps the blood results for uric acid to the "level" indicated by the PH strips you get?

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • blurry spot in vision with reading glasses?

    I have just got reading glasses and they have one specific spot on the left lens where it looks blurry. They are brand new and not damaged or scratched. It just seems like a more opaque spot in the middle of my vision.

    If it makes any difference I have an astigmatism in the left eye.

    What could it be? Surely my vision should be perfect with the lenses.

    2 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • Steriods for one week - side effects?

    I have been prescribed steriods for just one week (40mg prednisone per day). Is it long enough to experience the side effects such as weight gain, puffy face anxiety etc?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Apple TV asking to verify iTunes payment information?

    The problem is that I don't live in the US and don't have a US cc. I had a US account that was working, but suddenly it asked me to verify my payment information. Now it's telling me it doesn't match my banking details. How can I fix this?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • eye hemorrage - small bubble?

    I have an eye hemorrage which is on day 4. It seems to be clearing gradually. However there appears to be something that looks like a small bubble on the area. What could that be?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago
  • CSS editor for mac - any recommendations?

    I'm looking for a tool that allows me to build HTML and CSS visually (like dreamweaver) that generates the code automatically. But something that costs less than dreamweaver. For Mac.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Which wordpress plugin to use?

    I need to create a page that allows users to register for a seminar. I want them to be able to click a button, make the payment and get a confirmation email. Which plugin shall I use?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • natural scrolling - how do you feel?

    Does natural scrolling in Mountain Lion work for you? Have you got used to it? I know you can change it, just interested.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Is it worth buying a wacom tablet?

    Or any drawing tablet for that matter. I spend hours in Photoshop and Illustrator. Does it make a big difference to the mouse? I definitely want to draw and paint.

    4 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • sudden hand pain after shoulder injury?

    I twisted my shoulder 2 weeks ago, thought nothing of it and it got gradually better. but I suddenly developed discomfort in the outer edge of my hand and numbness in the baby finger and outer hand while sleeping. There's also minor discomfort in the wrist and elbow. Could this be from twisting my shoulder?

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • Which upholstery fabric to choose for sofas.?

    I love a heavy cotton. But some people use polyester blends. I found one that is 80% polyster and 20% linen. SHould I be weary of this? What to look for to determine quality?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Cursor too large in photoshop?

    Something weird has happened with my cursor. I'm using the full cursor (circle), but when I use it with a tool such as the brush tool, it paints smaller than the cursor appears. If I paint a dot, I can clearly see the outline of the cursor is much bigger than the dot that was painted. Same thing happens with erasor and other tools

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • How to sedate my dog?

    My dog is terrified of vets. He struggles and thrashes around so much that vets can't control him. We tried to have blood tests done and they couldn't take the blood. Even after mild sedation. Is there any way to knock him out with a tablet so that we can get the blood tests done?

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Best way to treat a graze to avoid scarring?

    I walked into a screen door and got a nasty graze on my nose. How can I treat the wound and swelling in order to reduce the swelling and prevent scarring?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Where to buy an item in Perth?

    I'm looking for the Eurolab Food Vacuum Sealer. I can get it from dealsdirect, but I want to buy it from a retail shop in Perth. Anyone know where I can get one?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Hypoallergenic dog food?

    I have a rescue who is 13 months old and has had an itchy skin condition since we got him at 3 months. After several rounds of treatment and tests we have now completely eliminated parasites or flea allergy.

    Vet says next step is to go on a hypoallergenic dry food diet - she says he cannot be allergic to it. However since he's been on it for 4 days his eyes have been running like crazy, which never happened before.

    I've heard of success with raw food diets, but don't know enough about it. Why raw food instead of cooked?

    I'm very interested in personal experiences, if you've had success with a particular diet.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Preserved lemons brown?

    I made my first batch of preserved lemons. They have gone slighty brown... does this mean I did something wrong? Are they still OK?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • speakers - help with choosing?

    I have a Marantz 80 watt surround sound amp. I need to buy bookshelf speakers for listening to music. I want to buy good quality mid-range speakers, any brand. Any recommendations?

    4 AnswersHome Theater8 years ago