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Lv 55,464 points

Victoria Sparda

Favorite Answers9%

So I've been gone quite a while, but hey, we all need a break sometimes right? I tend be rather outspoken and a little brash at time, but I try to be respectful unless something really REALLY ticks me off, but that's not as easy to do as it use to be. Pagan by religion, Feminist by morals (Not an extremist, don't worry), 3D artist by trade, and me by my own free will. I'm pretty friendly most of the time so long as I don't have a very good reason to show my darker side. And as for a shameless plug, here's my DA page, cause, yea, I like sharing my passion for art >_>:

  • Is 2000 mg of Acetaminophen to have any pain relief normal?

    I am a 160 lbs woman with healthy liver and do not drink (Excluding a glass of wine bout once every four or five months, but that's hardly worth mention) and I've noticed, for some time now, that in order to get any pain relief at all I have to take 2000mg of acetaminophen otherwise I get no pain relief whatsoever. I know the max recommended dosage is 1000mg four hours apart or 4000mg a day but for some reason 1000mg provides no pain relief whatsoever and I can't afford to keep getting prescriptions for stronger pain meds like I use to. I don't have to use them too often, only about once or twice a month when my arthritis gets too bad, use to the normal sore pain I have, I only take them when it becomes too much to function.

    Anyways, my question is this, does anyone have any idea why it would take a dosage of 2000mg for my body to get any pain relief at all? It's been like this since I was a teen and doctors use to prescribe me vicodin because of it for normal pain relief, thankfully I didn't get addicted to it, unfortunately it's too costly to keep getting the prescriptions. I still don't know what may be causing me to need such high dosages of pain meds to get any kind of effect, does anyone know any possible causes for such? I do intend to ask my doctor but be nice to have a few suspected causes to start off with before trying to figure it out.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Lost a lot of weight as of recent and stumped on what size 38-32-38 measurements would mean I need.?

    OK, so, it has been years since I wore anything that didn't use a letter for the size, it's a couple years after my last child was born and I'm starting to be able to wear nicer clothing now due to how much weight I've lost, I have no idea how to translate my waist size into clothing size (Like I said before, everything was M-L-XL before, that was all I needed to know) so just what size would 38 hip measurement and 32 waist measurement need to wear for pants? About the only part I'm sure of is that everything has to be 'tall' for me (6'1", so yea. . . .), Shirts aren't as hard to figure out, they're easier to alter, but the pants sizes has me stumped cause everything is either too tight on my hips or falling off me .

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How to let a polite guy know he doesn't have to be TOO polite?

    Soooo, and some of you may laugh, I'll not be surprised if you do, but, I've found someone who is really kind, intelligent, just all the way around sweet guy, amazing personally, just, well, dare I say perfect? Or at least perfect for me for the most part except for one little thing, thus is the point of this question:

    He's very very polite, like, holding open doors, pulling out chairs for me type polite, and, well, that kinda messes with me, not only have I never had a guy who does things of this like, but he doesn't have to do it, I mean, I am more than capable of opening the door for myself and even for him, I've held doors open for my guys in the past and all, I normally make quite a habit of doing so for guys I'm with, pulling out chairs for them, opening doors for them, getting them little surprises and gifts, all and all spoiling them, and now, I have this one, who wants to spoil me, and. . . . .yea, it's like a WTF situation here, I'm not use to this!! I'm use to being the protective, spoiling one, not the other way around and, honestly, I don't know how to react to it. I mean, we're talking a racing each other to the door to hold it open for the other type thing here.

    Soooo, question is, how can I get him to know he doesn't have to do all these extra things? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm right out flattered that he wants to spoil me like that. it's sweet, but I want to spoil him as well, can't do that if he won't let me cause he wants to spoil me and, well, as humorous as this may seem, yea, I'm trying to figure out how to let him know politely that it's alright for him to not spoil me and it's alright for him to let me spoil him sometimes, and I'm at a bit of a loss on this one so, suggestions?

    I'm asking here because I know there's a good many other feminists here and they can likely, at least somewhat relate to situations like this, since this is kinda a chivalrous male vs chivalrous female in a relationship together situation, ok, not even kinda, that's EXACTLY the situation, I mean, I don't so much not like him doing such thoughtful things, it's rather sweet, but I want to be able to return such actions without in any way belittling his courtesy, so, any suggestions for dealing with this situation? I mean he's a great guy and I've really fallen head over heels for him so to speak, finally found my match but this is just a bit of a speed bump, though a humorous one I'll admit, still, suggestions/past experiences that could help on this situation?

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • No period for three months, not pregnant. Possible causes?

    I know the first thing said would be "Go to the doctor" but, I am merely asking what might be going on as to be able to inquire of it when I do go, none the less, this is the situation:

    I've been without my period for the last three months, it just suddenly stopped, I have not been sexually active for well over six months so I know I am not pregnant. I am a mere 21 years of age so menopause is highly unlikely (Though I am aware premature menopause can occur at any age, I am also aware it is highly uncommon). I have had two children previously, my youngest about a year ago, after which my period returned to normal until recent. I have been having increased mood swings as of late though without trigger or external reason, just sudden moments where, for no reason, I'll feel like crying or lashing out, yet, just as suddenly as those feelings come they can lift and my emotions return to normal. I have also been having random moments of feeling hot or cold though the temperature where I am is kept at a constant 78 degrees, normally comfortable to me. Also, my appetite has decreased quite a bit, why, again, I do not know. There have been times when I feel like I'm about to start my period, yet, it does not begin, this is leaving me rather confused.

    Has anyone experienced something of this sort before? Or known anyone who has? I'm just trying to figure out possible causes so I know what to inquire of when I do go see a doctor, as to give a possible starting point as to what to look for. Any information or ideas of what may be causing this would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advanced for any information you may be able to give me regarding this issue.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Birdy mood swings O_o?

    I have a little quaker parrot (Also called a monk parrot) who can be sweet, loving and cuddly one moment and then start pinching and biting the next, without any kind of provocation, startling or even movement from me, he'll just be sitting there next to me on the bed (I'm not sleeping when laying with him, just relaxing and grooming him since he can't get all his pin feathers by himself) and them he'll just suddenly turn around and nip at me, sometimes I'm not even grooming him when he does it, just laying there with him cuddled next to me then he honks my finger, or nose (He seems to like to go for the tip of my nose for some reason). I sometimes wonder if he's trying to play and not realizing how hard he's biting or something because it's normally one or two pinches or nips and he settles right back down.

    Anyone have any ideas why he may be doing this, I am very careful not to move suddenly to avoid compromising his comfort, but he'll just turn around and honk my sometimes. I really don't get it, any ideas why he may be doing this? I mean, he's not aggressive and is really very sweet, most of the time.

    (I mean biting or nipping when I say he 'honks' me, just what I call his nips and bites.)

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Which would you hire?

    Lets have a little what if scenario shall we?

    Lets say that you were the owner of a company that worked in a heavy manual labor field, let's say commercial construction. You had two applicants, one a 28 year old woman and one a 28 year old man, both with equal experience, both with a spotless safety record and no records of having been hurt on the job. Both the man and the woman were in perfect health and of exactly the same physical ability as well as have equally pleasant personalities and no family at home thus no need to worry about them begin called away to pick up an ill child or anything of the like. Basically the only difference between the two is their gender. Let's also say that the company has no quotas to fill so affirmative action BS if out of the picture. You can only hired one of them, so you have to choose between these two applicants, they are both asking for the exact same wage.

    Which would you choose to hired and why?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do men tend to lose some things but can always find the remote?

    Please take no offense to it, as I know women do it too, but it tends be more common in men.

    Why is it that men seem to lose stuff you need, like the plug for the bath tub, or forget important things, like when their doctor appointment is, but seem to always know where the remote is or remember this random girl they flirted with 5 years ago?

    Really guys, what is the deal with that? Why do many of you lose/forget the important stuff but always remember the odd little things that you really don't need? Don't get me wrong, I find it a little humorous, but, really, what is up with that?

    *Question inspired by the half hour search for the plug for the bathtub due to my husband misplacing it >_>*

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Husband's permission required for tubal ligation. . .?

    OK, first the situation. Where I live, doctors won't preform a tubal ligation on me without my husband's consent, though he will certainly give his consent for it, I shouldn't even have to have his consent seeing as he does not need mine to have a vasectomy done. Though I am a woman of legal age and full mental maturity and stability, I am being told that without the consent of my husband, that they'll not preform a tubal ligation. It gets worse. I am already a mother of two by birth and have been informed by doctors that another pregnancy carries a 78% chance of death for not only myself, but for the unborn were I to attempt to carry to term.

    So, I am basically being told that I have no right to take preemptive measures to protect my own life via permanent birth control without the consent of my husband. Add that to the fact that I live in an anti-choice state where I'ld have hell trying to get an abortion to protect my own life if I did fall pregnant again and it's just seething with gender discrimination and disregard for health based upon gender.

    Now that's I've explained the situation, here is the question: What steps could be taken to bring this kind of discrimination to the public view? Sadly groups and activists here are lacking, what would be some good resources in the state of Louisiana to combat this disregard for health based upon gender discrimination? Ideas,other instances of similar occurrences, links to groups in the area or political links for bills regarding things like this would be highly appreciated, I've been searching online but failing to find much. I mean, sure, my husband not only has no problem with me getting a tubal but has also decided to have a vasectomy done instead of me having to be cut open, but, other women may not be so lucky, thus, why I wish to try and take action against it.

    11 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Opinions on not teaching evolution in schools (Open to all religions)?

    Now, as many know, many public schools no long teach evolution as part of their science class, despite scientific proof throughout the years that evolution did indeed take place. (I am certain we've all seen documentaries on the subject so I'll not put that point on debate here)

    By excluding teaching of evolution from science classes, do you think our education system is better or worse for it? Do you feel that skipping not only human evolution by also the topic of evolution of other creatures and even viruses (Which I think we can all agree is apparent due to resistance to medicines over time) actually helps our children?

    Certainly I have my own opinions on the topic, but I am curious as to the rest of your opinions on this. Please try to be civil in your answers as I believe we -should- all be mature enough to state our opinion without insulting that of others.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Making my own Jenday Conure bird food?

    I've found the store bought foods to be lacking, many don't have the vitamin K conures need to avoid conure bleeding syndrome and I'm getting a new Jenday conure and I want to make sure he has the best and healthiest.......My sun conure, Vergil (Rest in Peace baby bird....), passed due to conure bleeding syndrome, it wasn't until inspecting his foods that we found the store bought diets didn't have enough vitamin K (their nutritionally complete claim is false, learn from my mistake, always read every ingredient, "source of vitamin K activity" does NOT mean real vitamin K!) so, to make sure this mistake never happens again, I plan on making my own bird food for the new conure to make sure they have real vitamin K and that the nutrients they get are the real deal and not chemically altered junk.

    Does anyone know any sites that list bird friendly foods along with the vitamins and nutrients those foods contain? Or does anyone know what vitamin K containing foods could be added to a conure diet to avoid conure bleeding syndrome? I had never lost a bird before Vergil and I don't want to face this heartbreak again nor lose the life of such a loving creature due to false bird food company claims again! I want to make sure they have the very best foods that fit their needs perfectly instead of putting my feathered kid's health in the hands of companies making false claims to get a sale!

    Please, I've been searching the net and having a hard time finding the info I need, does anyone know any resource sites I can use that tell me what vitamins and nutrients are in what bird safe foods that I could use in the diet for the new Jenday Conure?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Women can't be that weak, this woman gets shot on air and keeps reporting!?

    SHE WAS OK! Thank goodness!

    She got shot at on air, from what you see it seems to have only hit her arm though she may have been shot in the leg as well from how she fell afterwards. After she is taken to the van she keeps on reporting regardless of the fact that she now has a bullet in her arm! (If you look you can see the entrance wound, at first it just looks like she got winged but if you look you can see where the bullet went in.).

    I have to say, she doesn't look that tough but she's obviously tougher than she looks to keep on going after getting shot!

    Here is the video:

    To those who say women are weak and can't take pain, does this prove to you that your assumptions are wrong?

    15 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • How to bring a fever down...?

    I know most people know how to do it due to their parents caring for them in the past but sadly I don't have that background.

    I have a fever of 101.5 F, it's been hovering around that level for about 2 days now, I need to know good ways to bring this fever down because it's driving me nuts and making it to where I'm unable to stand because the fever is making me dizzy..........

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Getting a house guest to sign a contract to leave?

    I've had some people freeloading and I want them out, I have written up a contract that gives them until October 10th 2008 to leave and that if during the rest of their stay here if they cause any damage to the property, make threats to me, my fiance or our pets or if the harm or attempt to harm us or our pets that they will immediately forfeit their rights to stay in this house and shall be removed immediately. Which, all and all, I think is pretty fair.

    However, I'm worried that they may refuse to sign it, we own our home and they are just staying here, if they refuse to sign the contract can we have them removed immediately? I mean, after all, in a rental agreement, you don't sign you don't stay, would the same apply in a situation like this?

    I know I should have done a contract when they first moved in but I didn't think someone I thought was a friend would stab me in the back like this, I learned my lesson that's for certain!

    If they refuse to sign can I have them removed? We tried kicking them out before but the cops told us we had to give these freeloaders a notice before kicking them out and spend money having them evicted even though they have not paid rent!

    With a contract like this could I put in there "failure to sign this contract will result in immediate removal from the home"?

    This is in Louisiana by the way in case anyone knows the exact laws here.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Whoa! What do you all think of this? Bush's newest attack on birth control!

    Here is the article:

    I personally find it sickening! What does everyone think about Bush's newest attack on women's health and reproductive rights?

    15 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Can certain kinds of coatings make sterling silver jewelry attract to a magnet?

    Can coatings such as a rhodium coating cause sterling silver jewelry attract to a magnet? What other variables can cause silver jewelry to attract to a magnet?

    What kinds of home tests can you do to test metal purity that won't damage the jewelry?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Gave birth 13 weeks ago, why hasn't my period started again

    I gave birth on May 5th, have not been breast feeding nor having unprotected sex (only had sex 4 times since, used protection every time), I've read that your period is supposed to start again between 6 to 8 weeks but it's been 13 and it hasn't started again!

    I'm 20 and have been having hot and cold flashes, mood swings, etc since giving birth, I had minimal spotting about a month ago but it was a very tiny amount and only lasted for about an hour.

    I know you can't tell me exactly why I haven't started again but I'm hoping to at least find out some of the possible causes for this.

    Some of my symptoms match up with signs of premature menopause (actually about half of the symptoms they list on this site: match things that have been happening), is it possible my recent pregnancy caused premature menopause? What are the chances of a very rough and health injuring pregnancy causing premature menopause?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Poll: Colored stones or diamonds, yellow gold, white gold or silver

    Just wondering since I personally prefer silver or white gold and colored stones and I wonder what other people's preferences are.

    So, which do you prefer?

    Colored stones or diamonds?

    White gold, yellow gold or silver?

    Are you male or female (if your name/avatar doesn't make it obvious)?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • When a grandparent dies without a will, is the grandchild entitled to anything

    Almost 2 years ago my grandmother died, since then my grandfather has been trying to sell everything she owned, even her inherited property (By Louisiana law inherited property remains as separate property and NEVER goes to the spouse unless it is in the will of the deceased, which she had none), and the rest of my family doesn't have it in them to fight him on it, I however do especially after seeing how he treated her. I need to know if grandchildren inherit anything when a grandparent dies without a will, any little bit will allow me to have grounds to challenge him in court and force him to relinquish his hold on her inherited property so the rest of the family will no longer be threatened and harassed by him (some of them live on that inherited property and he keeps threatening to evict them from property he legally doesn't even have control over and we have proof of this)

    So do grandchildren inherit anything in case of a grandparent's death? Anything at all? Even a tiny bit would be enough to force him to release hold over the whole property by proving that he has no legal control over it! I want to do this for the peace and sanity of my whole family.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Getting rid of a freeloader!!!!

    My fiance and I have been allowing 3 others to stay with us in our home (we own the home, not rent it) and, while 2 of the people we've allowed to stay have been helping us, not damaging the home and trying to contribute the best they can, one of them has not, he refused to help, tries to give a guilt trip every time we ask for him to help or has something "come up" at that exact time, uses our phone like he owns it and keeps trying to run the place when he has no right to not to mention always talking BS behind our back in our own home! We have no written contract for him to stay, he has yet to help pay any bills or food and has cost us quite a bit over the last month and a half. Since there is no written contract and he has paid nothing as well as has another place he can stay (so he won't be on the streets when we kick him out), by Louisiana law, could we just kick him out on the spot and give him 30 days to collect his belongings? He has no mail coming here, nothing that would be considered proof of him living here, no contract and has not paid any kind of rent or anything and has also damaged our coffee table (Knife marks, and the table was brand new!).

    Is there any kind of procedure we must follow in this case or can we just tell him "Get your **** and get out!" without getting in legal trouble?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever ordered from this company? Are they legit? I mean, I'm loving the stuff they offer but I worry if they are legit because I don't see any prices listed. Has anyone heard of them before or even better done business with them? Are they legit?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago