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I love horseback riding and I lease a beautiful QH mare named Betty (AKA Bee) She is so sweet and I love her to death! I'm a pretty good rider but there are always terms I don't understand and things I need opinions on so I ask them here! Check out my youtube channel with videos of me riding Bee and other horses! live2ride4eveh Thanks! xxx

  • Heating a horse stall for my dog?

    Due to some family issues, my Pomeranian will have to stay in the barn until December. It's not super cold, especially when the barn is closed up but he is a small dog and I'd like him to stay warm. Does anyone have any ideas? It needs to be safe so the barn won't burn down so I'm assuming a space heater is out of the question... What about a heat lamp? He's going to have saw dust and the outside doors to the stall will always be shut. I'll get him a bed and lots of blankets but what else would be good? The barn is fairly warm probably about 45-50 all the time but he is a small dog..

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • We took a pomeranian out of a bad situation and...?

    I adopted a 3 year old Pomeranian from a bad home, the before morning we picked him up we were told he ran away. That evening he had a little blood in his stool the next day it was pure blood, today is is getting better. Since we just adopted him we don't know much about his history or how he usually acts. Hoping that this isn't a previously occurring problem and we got ourselves into trouble by getting him, what could the cause be? He's eating fine and drinking and no vomiting. We were also told he was potty trained, he doesn't seem to be though, is this possibly due to feeling sick? And again we were told he was neutered (recently) but he isn't acting like it with my moms female dog... Is that because it was recent possibly? .

    We knew he was due for shots when we got him which is one reason I'm so concerned because if he is sick he is not protected with shots or a preventative.

    The earliest vet appointment we could get is next week so I want some answers...

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My adoptive father doesn't trust my birth mother?

    My birthmother has been sick for quite some time and I'm not sure how much longer she will be around so my boyfriend and I planned on going to visit her around Christmas time and spend a few days with her. My adoptive mother had said it wasn't a problem and she was glad I was going to visit my birthmom, my dad however hold a grudge against her because she gave my adoptive mom and I place to live after my parents divorced. He's saying we can't go unless my adoptive mom goes with us because he doesn't trust her since she just got married and he doesn't know the husband and she has a history of picking bad men. My mom said she can't get off work to go. My birthmom brought up the point that my dad let me fly to Texas all by myself last summer to meet my sister for the first time with people he didn't know, why is it any different with my birthmother?

    Does anyone have any tips on how I can talk to him about letting my go and visit her? I'm not sure how much longer she will be around so I'd like to see her. My dad offered to pay for a hotel here if she came without her husband and she got very very offended so I don't know what to do...

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I need a barn name for my new mare!?

    I'm going to pick up my new girl this Sunday!! Her current name is Sugar but it does NOT fit her. She is more sassy and in her own little world. She is sweet but she has a little bit of an attitude. She's a jumper.

    I want something unique, classy and not a "people name"

    We've come up with Chanel, Prada, (I like the designer names) Skye

    8 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Registering a horse? Finding out bloodlines?

    I'm considering buying an unregistered rescue STB. I'd love to know more about her bloodlines etc however no one knows much about her. Is there a way for me to do tests to find her bloodlines? What would the cost be? And then would that be all I need to register her? I don't know how this stuff works...

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Name for a standardbred mare?

    As I continue my search I think I may have found the perfect horse..

    She's young, 4

    Small than I like but I think she will be ok, 14.3 (possibly still growing since she was starved)

    A rescue, what a wanted!

    And a great price!

    She's beautiful too!

    She's a standardbred, from my research they seem to be fairly good horses for lower level jumping and dressage, am I right?

    Anyway, I need help picking out a name! I want something different than her original name since she is getting a fresh, new start! (I know people advise against changing it but I think I'll make an exception so no comments!!!)

    She is black with a white star on her forehead!

    I've come up with











    Also possibly interested in some show names! :)

    Thanks guys!

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Does this horse seem to be sway backed?

    I'm trying out this arab tomorrow, and of course, would never purchase without a vet check...

    A friend pointed out that he may possibly be sway backed... Does that seem to be the case to you?

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Looking into buying a OTTB?

    I found an OTTB that I think would be perfect for me... however I want to do jumping. Her current owner said she was raced until she was 8, she is 11 now, and the vet said she should not jump because she raced so long.

    I don't know much about that kind of stuff... does that seem reasonable or should I get a second opiion from my own vet?


    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Looking for a mini dog breed?

    I am leaving for college shortly and lucky for me, I get to bring a pet!!!! My dad is refusing to let me take my dog I've grown up with because he thinks she will be unhappy since she is used to being able to run, I am looking for a dog!! I would really like a miniature breed, like a cross...I don't want the basic mini pinchure or shihtzu or boston terrier etc.. The only small dog I would be interested in is a pug. Other than that I was looking for a cross breed like a pompsky (pomeranian huskey)... Unfortunatly I don't know too much about mized brreds of small dogs and little dogs.. Could someone give me some more information? I am basicially looking for a mini dog that is the size of something like a pomeranian or terrier etc but looks like a big dog like a shepard or boarder collie or huskey. What do you reccamend? I want good temperment that will get along with other dogs and people!

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Business name for my riding instructor?

    My trainer and I are trying to come up with a business name for her lesson and training business so we can get sweatshirts and stuff for our show season! She doesn't have her own barn, she boards at a private place where she sometimes has lessons and were I ride at and she also travels around to other barns. The places she's mostly at is called French quarters but it was previously owned by another trainer who kept the name so we can't really incorporate that into the name. Right now her business is LP lessons and training (LP being her initials) but we both want something a little more interesting. We ride hunter jumper and we do dressage. She is also really into parelli natural horsemanship (I'm talking like everything she does is natural horsemanship) so she may want something "horsemanship" in the name.. Her co-trainer uses "horsemanship naturally" as her business so I'm thinking something sort of along those lines would be awesome. Again, this is not for a barn, so nothing with barns or equestrian centers etc just business names.

    Thanks so much :)

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Is it safe to write on a horse with chalk?

    I'm going to ask my boyfriend to the Sadie Hawkins dance tomorrow and I want to ask him by writing on his pony. Our trainer thinks its a fantastic idea and is willing to help. I'm just making sure it will be safe to write on him with chalk? It will only be on him for an hour or so.. Also would I need to wet the chalk to make it easier to go on or should it be fine? Thanks!

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Divorced parents, evil stepmom, living with a friend?

    My dad got married 2 years ago and 6 months later I moved in with them, I was 15. I had been planning on living with my dad for quite a while and his marriage was very sudden, he knew her for 2 months and I had met her once. She was awkward and quiet. Even all my friends and their parents asked me if she has problems. Things moved from that to her being mean. She blamed me for stealing and lying. Turned my dad against making us fight all the time and even convinced him I'm a bad person. She finally convinced him not to pay for any of my clothes or school stuff or sports. I even have to pay for doctors visits. She took away my horses and now i even have to pay to take lessons. The only thing my dad pays for is my car so i can get to work and a job. I love my mom but it's not a good time for me to be living with her as shes struggling financially and taking care of my grandparents. I've talked to my mom about it and she thinks it's unfair to have me move back to where she lives 3 hours away as I'm just about to start my junior year of high school so we are trying to figure out a way for my to stay where I am but not with my dad and stepmom. Is there any legal way I can do this? I have a friends family who has agreed to let me stay with them until college. And my mom has also agreed but what about my dad who is currently my guardian. If he agreed to let my mom have custody could she just say ok live with your friend and that's that? we live in Illinois if that helps...

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What can I get him to brighten his day?

    My boyfriend just found out he has have surgery and give up his sports for a couple of months and he's pretty bummed. I want to do something sweet for him tomorrow at school to brighten his day.I was thinking about writing him a note but what else small can I do?


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Best way to ask my dad to let me go to my boyfriends Christmas party?

    So my dad doesn't exaclty like my boyfriend. He thinks hes a nice guy and all but the doesn't like the fact we're dating. Because I'm "too young" I'm 16 and everyone tells him I'm not too young but whatever he's just being a dad. Anyway, my boyfriends dad is having a Christmas party and he invited me. His family is going to be there so theres no way anything bad/inapropriet will happen . He said we can hang out in groups and whatever so normally I'd figure he'd be okay with it but I just got done being grounded for a month so I'm a little scared to ask. Whats the best way to do it? I'm already helping around the house extra and I'm gunna ask when he's in a good mood, but what else? I really want to go

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I'm scared. I'm scared of everything.?

    I fell off my horse and broke my arm last Friday. I'm now stuck with a huge cast for 6 weeks and a spooky horse. My friend has taken on the role of riding her until I'm back. But she also has her own horse to ride so my horse won't be getting much attention. Right now shes lame from trying to go underneath a fence (which is how I broke my arm...) anyway, I want to go see her...I haven't been since that day...I'm scared though...I'm scared of her, I'm scared she's changed...I'm scared I've changed...I'm scared of everything.I love my horse more than anything in this world. And I love this sport. I don't want to give it up...I know I've got 6 weeks to get over falling off and ride again, but I don't have that long to build a ground relationship with my horse again. The longer I wait, the harder it will be, I'm sure some of you have been there....

    How do I get up the courage to go see her? I'm not mad at her, I never was, but I do feel like I've disappointed her. And when I can get the courage to see her, I've got 6 weeks...what can I do besides just brush her?

    And how do I get over not being able to ride?? I usually get really irritating and depressed after not riding for a couple days. It's going to kill me to watch her being ridden by someone else when I cant even sit on her and walk around for another 6 weeks....

    16 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • My horse won't back out of the trailer?

    When I first started riding my horse in January, she was TERRIFIED of backing out of the trailer. Since then things have gotten better and she would back out after a little protest.

    This morning she was taken on a trail ride (I wasn't there but she will back out for other people) and they spent 1 1/2 hours trying to get her to back out of the trailer. They finally had to unload the tack part of the trailer and open it wide so she could turn around and walk out. On Friday, I'm leaving for a 4 day trail ride in Brown County and I need to work with to make sure she'll back out. Any ideas? I'm planning on going out tonight and working with her but I don't know how to do it except put her in the trailer and keep backing out. I think that might bore her after a while. Also, any ideas on why she suddenly won't back out??

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Tailbone Injuries? How long will it last?

    About 2 weeks ago I got thrown from my horse pretty hard. When I stood up my tailbone was hurting but the next day it stopped hurting. I waited a week then went back to riding. Since then, the pain has been awful. I can;t walk without pain and I can't sit or stand from a sitting position without pain. I've tried Ice and Ibeprophen and I haven't ridden in a week. But I need to start getting my horse back in shape because in 2 weeks I'll be going on a 3 day horse camping trip and that means 10+ hours a day in the saddle. What can I do to make it feel better when I ride and even when I'm not riding, and how long will the pain last?

    4 AnswersInjuries10 years ago
  • I got kicked in the head by my horse today?

    I went and galloped my horse in the field today with my friend and her horse. The field is by the highway. On the way there she was PERFECT on the way back my friends horse spooked at a fallen sign near the trail and so my horse got scared. I help on to her (bucking) for about 20 seconds. I was on her neck holding on and she threw me. Really far. At least 40 feet. The second I landed all I could see was her feet pounding towards me and she tried to jump over me but she ended up kicking me in the head. Not too bad, No dent in the helmet and anything and no bump. But I can't tell if I'm having headaches or not because I have an awful cold and I've had a headache all day. I'm just curios how worried I should be. I've waited the 3 hours and I'm about to go to sleep now. My friend mentioned I might need to think about having whiplash too because my neck is a little tender to move.

    I'm not going to a doctor. Don't even mention that.

    Any tips?

    Also, I got back on and rode her but now I'm kinda scared to go back. And I know shes scared too. When i got back on her whole body was trembling. Even when I brushed her, cooled her down and gave her treats and was still shaking a little.

    5 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • What to bring for a 2 day horse camp?

    I taking my horse to camp for 2 days.

    I am not spending the night there but my horse is but all her feed,bedding etc is taken care of.

    I feel like I'm forgetting some things.

    We are doing dressage one day, and jumping and cross country the next. And we are also having a show.

    So can you make me a list of EVERYTHING I'll need? For me and her! For both days!

    Thank you!!!

    7 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Apple Powerbook g4 Laptop?

    I'm considering buying a used apple powerbook for around $200. Is this a good price?

    Also, would this laptop be good for school? Also, I think it has Tiger on it, correct?

    If I got the newer software, would I be able to update it?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago