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general interests: learning to be a DJ, animals, anime, metal & techno, furry fandom, drawing, gaming, internet, otherkin, religion, neopets. Im a mummy to my beautiful little girl and our animals: 3 cats - Aura, Oaky & Lala, a dog called Lilah and rat called Jukka :) however id be nothing without my loving mate and partner in life. *sighs* we have another cat however Yuki has been missing since July 2009 :( Im a down to earth kind of girl, and a peaceful soul most days. I enjoy a variety of things and use my inspirations to keep me spiritually and physically motivated. I seek higher understanding and spirituality in this life and strongly believe in reincarnation. I am what some consider a Seeker. I strive to learn as much as possible and seek deep wisdom wherever i go, and believe it is my path to help others also find their true path. i believe everyone is otherkin in a way. some just choose to open themselves up to it more than others

  • A few questions about Little Big Planet for PS3?

    Trying to solve 2 player puzzles on your own is impossible... and annoying that i require your help, so if there are any active / current players that see this can I please add you? None of my personal friends have the game >.>

    PSN - kalamadae

    And when playing online, in the LBP community, can you add people this way?


    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is there a program I can download that can check the activity in our household?

    Mainly something to keep a tabs on downloads as we share our internet, and if not a program can someone direct me as to where I would go about getting something like this? An old friend had a program that showed who was connected to our internet, something like that would also be useful as I suspect someone might be leeching from us too 0_o

    Yes we have a firewall and all the usual jazz set up, but i know how easy they are to get passed...

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What programs can i use to record/capture flash videos off the internet?

    Preferably something with at least a free trial please. I prefer to try before i buy.

    Im looking for anything that can capture flash files or enable me to download them as i have no idea how to do that, yet ive been told its possible

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do you encourage 2 cats to like each other?

    Here's the situation, we originally had 2 cats of our own and we've just recently taken a cat for a friend as she cant have a cat right now. My 2 cats and the new cat were fine for the first 2 weeks now all of a sudden 2 of them are fighting, 1 of mine and my friend's cat.My friend's cat just warningly growls at the other one and my cat persists in constantly approaching her.

    Now normally i'd let them sort it out in their own time but there fighting nearly got one of us scratched up this morning and my friend's cat is starting o obtain welts/scabs all over her head from the constant fighting.

    I would love to create harmony in the household, as no one else will take my friend's cat and hand her back, as my friend does in a year or so want her back.

    Now we have tried:

    * Bathing them together so they smell the same

    * Changing the litter so that there is a combination of all 3 cats' smells

    * Brushing them all with the same comb

    * Introducing them slowly (Its what we did for the first two weeks, having the separate so they got used to each other's smell.

    ALL CATS HAVE BEEN SPAYED so i don't believe its hormones

    From my point of view my cat just wants to play but the other cat takes it as she is being attacked. I have been informed that my friend also had another cat which used to beat her up a bit. They found another home for him. COULD she be traumatised from that?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What do YOU believe is going to happen in the year 2012?

    If nothing, please explain why you think this :)

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do YOU believe is going to happen in the year 2012?

    If nothing, please explain why you think this :)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Someone please help. My internet browser suddenly looks different!?

    And before anyone says it "No i dont have a virus ive already scanned for one with an updated virus scanner". This is a pic for ref:

    Ignore the fact im using Neopets ok. i dont care whether u think its childish. Anyways those 2 grey columns appeared down the sides of my page while i was surfing Neopets and they wont go away. Ive tried restarting and shutting down the browser, they are there when i get back still.

    How it happened? I have no idea, i went from one page to another and there they were all of a sudden. It was annoying at first but now ive realised its "Stopping" me from doing things. I cant customise Vanian cos there is an advert in the way, when there shouldnt be. Due to this "Column problem" its squashed all the adds into my working space and in all my years this has never happened to me

    Can anyone please give me some ideas in what i can do to get rid of it? No i dont have money to take this in and get it fixed, ive already got the spare computer sitting on the floor still till we get the money to fix that!

    And stupid comments will be ignored

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What kind of incenses and oils are commonly used in China?

    And other Asian countries but I'm specifically looking for ones used in Chinese Homes and/or Temples traditionally. I need to know different scents for a project I'm working on. I know incense is popular worldwide but same as here i assume depending on where you go it can vary in popularity and use.

    2 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • How do i make my own Winamp skins?

    Is there an online guide at all? I understanding basic html coding if that is needed too. I plan to make some and do custom requests... lol if i can figure it out that is :) any info is appreciated

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Majora's Mask - N64: Is the whole game on a time limit!!?

    no i seriously need to know before i rip my hair out over this thing. i know the ratings were crap, is it cos of the time limit? I would like to know also cos i wish to play it, i dont want the story revealed to me i just wanna know this tiny little detail. ive played up to the start of the Swamp so far.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Should i be worried my cat isnt eating?

    One of my cats has just gone on heat within the last 3 days. she has been too busy being murry purry to care to eat, drink water or use the litter tray. shes an indoor only cat and she was doing all those things before her heat started. She appears healthy and fine but im starting to worry. And no we cant get her spayed just yet as we dont have the money.

    All i want to know is "should i be worried"?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is a 'meme' or what does it stand for?

    0_o ive heard it and everyones using it but no ones properly explained what its sposed to mean. help?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Could my cat possibly be allergic to a particular type of collar?

    hey, just recently i changed my cat's collar to a different brand as her old collar broke and i wanted to get her a pink one and one that was a better quality, so we spent a bit extra and got her this lovely hot pink collar to match her personality and threw out the old one.

    That was just two weeks ago. just then when i was patting her i noticed all the hair under the collar on the back of her neck was just gone, and the bare skin red and moist. she is not acting pained by it, as ive touched it when looking at it and she didnt flinch at all

    Prior to this i believe iv done everything right. ive always left 2 fingers space under her collar, looser than usual as i have small hands. theyve all recently been flea'd and theyre not due for their worm tablets for another month.

    oh! and the collar had blood on it, so ive removed it and put it aside for now. is it possible my cat has an allergy to that brand? she was wearing her old collar for over a year and nothing. all 4 of my cats have had collars since they were 6months old at least

    do you think i should (once the fur has grown back) get her another one of her old collars and do you think its worth taking her to the vet over? obviously if it gets worse i will anyway. theres not much blood, only enough that would have been caused by the chafing.

    Opinions? Ideas?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • In your opinion is this bestiality? 0_o?

    Cats groom (lick) each other for affection towards each other, and enjoy it. This has been a practice between me and my cat also for bonding and friendship, where she would groom me in appreciation, comfort and love, also often giving me reiki at the same time. And in turn sometimes i groom her back as well, (yes when her fur is clean i lick the top of her head, no where else) It makes me purr to feel so loved by her. But thats as far as it goes. personally the idea of physically making love to animal makes me vomit

    i wouldnt have brought it up but ive had a hell of a lot of people say my cat should be taken off me cos its cruel to treat her in such ways? and i support bestiality and all this rubbish!! So give me your opinion please, im sick of all this crap just cos i love my cats and chose to bond with them by bringing myself to their level. it has been the most rewarding

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Cat scratching problem. Please help?


    2 of our cats continue to claw and rip at our couches and we dont know what to do anymore. what was once new furniture is no shredded and my partner is almost at ends to get rid of them which i dont want. ive taken a few measures to try and control this:

    *lock them in the laundry when we go out. i quickly didnt like this idea as the room was too small

    * we have ALWAYS had scratching posts around the house. only one of them uses it out of the 2 but she still scratches the couch

    * we've tried spraying No Scratch Spray and Lemon Juice over the couches as well

    So without gettiing the declawed is there anything left i can try?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I need some good Rave Artists, can anyone help me out?

    Ive collected so far: Basshunter, Tune Up and Nightcore.... what others are there i Know theres more ;P

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How can i stop a spayed "Female" cat from spraying inside the house?

    seriously she is spraying everything. she doesnt go outside and she just started doing it. since ive never experienced this before i have no idea what to do. please help if you can please!

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What came first, orange as in the fruit, or orange as in the color?

    And if the fruit came second, why was a banana not named a "yellow" or a kiwifruit a "brown" lol

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do you have any fast food restaurant complaints?

    Lets play a game, and a simple one at that. something most if not everyone has experienced is something that REALLY annoyed them with a fast food company. This can be anything, all you need to do is follow this little form:

    Fast food store?:

    What happened/they did to you?:

    Has this happened more than once?:

    Its just a curiousity thing. We get bad luck with something 90% of the time. Is it just us or does it happen to everyone else too?

    Good luck and enjoy :)

    1 AnswerOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • how do you get beer out of carpet?

    my daughter just grabbed a full beer bottle and covered the carpet in it. Before ANYONE says anything, i was giving her a CUDDLE and she grabbed my beer. Something she NEVER does! Now theres a mess all over the carpet and being in a rental i want to get it out before it dries. At least the smell. someone please help, im frantic!!

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago