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Lv 611,434 points

Jim M

Favorite Answers17%
  • I am making a largish number fraction Puzzle and need help with numerators?

    Background: I was doing some LCD examples and contrived 1/27, 1/37, 1/77, and 1/117 to show that one can't just list multiples. (for 12 and 15 we can list 12,24,,36,48,60 and 15,30,45,60 and easily get the LCD).

    I want to solve i/27 + j/37 + k/77 + l/177 = 1. This is what I believe is called a Diophantine Equation (integer solutions and may have more than one solution).

    Excel doesn't want to find an answer for me and since I made the puzzle google isn't working for me. I want i,j,k, and l to be reasonable numbers. Best answer to the most reasonable numbers.

    since there are 7s in the denominators it seems there should be a bonus for 7s in the numerators.

    I intend to put this in a puzzle magazine and will cite you using your yahoo id or any name (I can say to my mother.) you want me to use.

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Do you know of a m of n security algorithm?

    I've tried Googling this and can't figure how to phrase the query.

    In security there is the concept of M of N (M < N) where M executives (of a total group of N) can authorize certain action.

    If one has an encryption key one can divide it into three parts, give each of three people two out of the three parts and have 2 of 3 people can be used to recover the original key.

    It there a general algorithm for doing this? I can figure 2 out of 4 or 5.

    1 AnswerSecurity7 years ago
  • I want to close windows media player. Why is Bill a pain in the A?

    So, I am closing all of my applications. I have music in the background. I wanted to make one change in a play list before I shut down. So, I close all open applications. Windows Media Player is no longer in the task bar. (Was it ever?) Why does Bill (Microsoft Windows) allow a process to be playing music but not be a running application in task manager. Really. I hear music, but I have no applications listed in task manager.

    So, I know I can kill the process. (I'd love to have a script to do it.) But WTF? Why is there no flipping application listed? I know to allow (hello Sony) root kits it is necessary for Windows operating systems to allow hackers to hide processes, but Windows Media Player isn't a root kit, so it should show the application shouldn't it?

    Sorry about the semi-rant. Does anyone know the rational reason for not showing the program in the list of applications running?

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • NC child support termination exact date?

    North Carolina wants money for my daughter through June 30th. I think they are legally entitled to money through May 31st, the last day she will be completing requirements (NC 50.13.4 "making ... progress") towards graduation. Since they seem to want to (illegally [the statute says without further court action]) drag me into court one more time I want it to stop ASAP.

    If the judge won't go for May 31st, I want June 8th, the day she could walk across the stage, and not give them the 21 extra days. She is 18. I'm hoping someone in the Yahoo community knows the case I need to cite to stop it on a certain day. There isn't enough money at stake to hire a lawyer.

    Gates v. Gates does reference a certain day, but doesn't explicitly say CS terminates on that date.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Can I stop these calls from 760-680-4014?

    There was no one on the line, like a prank call. Then they said, "what if the whole purpose of the constitution was to limit the government?" That seems to be from Judge Andrew Napolitano. He seems to be some sort of whack job employed by fox news.

    I guess he doesn't like the government spending trillions of dollars to protect oil company interests in Iraq. Or perhaps he wants to get rid of the EPA so the oil companies have a whole lot of state environmental laws they need to navigate. I have no idea what is agenda is. He seems to be a whack job. How do I stop the political calls - I don't think it is covered by the Do Not Call List?

    I hung up since I don't get many cell minutes.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Has anyone structured a flowchart. A yes or no answer would be great.?

    My text book has pages devoted to how to take a flowchart that represents unstructured code and make it a structured flowchart. Does anyone every convert flowcharts like this in industry or is it a silly academic exercise. I know unstructured programs are horrible. But does anyone every redo a flowchart. Why not just rewrite the flowchart from scratch?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Would you vote for the Right? Can they win?

    I just saw Eric Shrmetta say the Republicans must "run from the center and rule from the right". It sounds like they want to campaign as centrists and the rule the country as they see fit.

    For example, he said nationalized health care is unconstitutional. I'm not asking to debate that. What I am asking is do you think they could win if they promise to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid, and all nationalized health care? Will people really tolerate seeing sick and dying children and grandparents in the street?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for the liar Rand Paul of KY.?

    On we see 'Union bosses use this forced-dues fortune to corrupt our political system with over a billion dollars every election cycle;"

    However my recollect is that compulsory union dues can't be used for electioneering. I also see that on

    He is a Republican so he clearly wants corporations to be able to lobby (for ethanol and oil subsidies for example), but why should the little guy not be allowed to give money to his union to lobby for laws that benefit him?

    Anyhow, would you vote for a politician caught in a lie?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you break my grammar?

    I was going to send this little sarcastic note out: However it needs to be written with poor grammar for the full effect. I think I'll put the confidentiality notice on it too just for effect and to give direction.

    *** CONFIDENTIAL ** DONOT disclose to victims, old people, or small businesses. ***

    Dear Mr. Ben Bernanke,

    As you probably know, MI5, the Canadian royal mounties, and Nigerian police don't usually go after us scammers. We now have guidance from the US Secret Service that it is okay to get $50,000 from anyone without them investigating. Please make sure you stay under that limit.

    For the time being Yahoo seems to be a good place to get email addresses. However, we should always be on the lookout for other providers who ware slow or never track down hard working individuals and teams such as us.

    Yours Truly,

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Have you ever seen a supider Zero Tolerance Policy action?

    Zero tolerance policies may be good if your staff members have only a double digit IQ. One would hope a school principal has an IQ higher than the average 100. Greater Clark County Schools (a River Valley Middle School in Jeffersonville nameless vice-principal) suspended a 7th grader because she touched and possessed a pill when it was placed in her hand by another student. Martin Bell, COO of Greater Clark County Schools validated the vice principals decision for a FIVE day suspension for possession of Adderall.

    I think we can all agree this is absurd. My question is have you seen anything more stupid?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can I see the actual forms TurboTax is generating?

    I'm trying to adjust my income (I could convert to a ROTH-IRA) before the end of 2010. Will turbo tax let me see the forms it is generating? Right now things aren't finalized so it will not even let me start to file.

    2 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this question on Engineers needing math skills?

    Good math skills are no more important for engineers today than they were ten years ago.

    Is this true or false?

    Answering why better than anyone else will get you ten points.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Can you make a good math joke?

    "What is the square root of 69?" is a lame joke. The answer "ate something" doesn't make it much of a joke.

    Anyhow, I challenge the rest of you to come up with a surrounding story to make this a real joke. Since it is likely to violate the community guidelines, please email it to me also. Please sign your email as you want to be attributed.

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Should I support a child almost flunking college?

    If your child earned one C, three D's, and an F in the first semester of college would support him or her during a second semester?

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme?

    My father says it isn't. I say it is. I am doing a survey.

    Please make the first line of your answer Yes or No.

    You may rant as much as you want after that about how it is treason, or criminal, or a good program, or Republican this or Democrat that.

    You can talk about Madoff. You can talk about young people never collecting. You can talk about people dying in the streets.

    But the first line of your answer needs to be a yes or a no.

    6 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • I have a 16-month old baby. My wife & I have had sex only 2 or 3 times in last 16 months?

    We didn't do sex during pregnancy. I really don't know what's the problem, I am ready, but she never does anything on her own. She has lost her father one month back, but that's a month back thing. Before that also she never tried to do much, She doesn't even touch me, cuddle me. By nature she is a selfish woman but I never thought she'd do this to me after baby. Before the baby she used to do it because we wanted a baby. She is talking to me, behaving normal, I told her two or three times about it, but she never reacted. I don't know what to do. Now I don't want to do anything with her because I also have self respect. I am bored in this life. Please help. What can I do?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How should I handle a wife that's not pulling her weight?

    We have been married for almost 4 years, at first she was great about pitching in and helping out. Lately however all she wants to do is sleep hang out with the girls or just enjoy the fun stuff. While I take our son to therapy 3 times a week with 3 different people. Do all the house work Study, I'm also a college student, work, and drive 140 miles round trip once a week to help my sick grandpa. I am stretched so thin you can see through me. How would you deal with this situation?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is binomial division used in real life?

    My daugher was given a problem like how much is (X^3 - 2) (x - 1) where there was a remainer of -1 / (x-1). I don't think I've seen a case where I would have a remainder when dividing by a binomial in real life.

    Have any of you?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago