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Lv 44,908 points

Crazy cat lady >^ ^<

Favorite Answers7%

Name says it all..I have 5 cats at home 2 at my office and one yard cat I am trying to tame to bring into my office as well.I love my animals more then I love most people in my life..

  • Maytag gas oven won't get gas?

    We just replaced our pressure regulator on our Maytag stove we get gas to our burners but not our oven all I see is a little red glow next to the burner..... The gas worked in the oven and burners be for we replaced the regulator

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • bicycle laws in California?

    In California is it against the law to ride your bike in a cross walk I see everyone doing it even professional cyclist or should I be riding outside the cross walk do I really need to get off it every time and walk my bike across the street .I need to know the law not a suggestion .Thank you

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • What Should I withhold in 2010 for State In Calif?

    In 2008 I owed $80.00 in state taxes in 2009 I owe $500.00 nothing changed for me I didn't make a dime more.So I cant understand why I owe so much this year I file Married 1 in 2009. I had my employer change me to Married 0. I net $ 1431.00 bi weekly I don't want to owe again . My husband is having his proper share of State taking out.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • A written Proposal with a land lady?

    My husband and I signed a proposal with a neighbor to rent her condo for two years beginning on 2/01/10 and ending on 02/01/12 .We have not yet singed a lease with her and yes she owns her condo she just lived two doors down from us two of the main reasons we are moving is her condo has been remodeled and the move will be easy also she will let us have our animals .I have giving my landlord a 30 day notice to vacated out by 1/31/10 and he is now going to sell his place.

    I went over to the neighbor who we are going to be renting from yesterday to ask about the signing of the lease she then informs me that she is going to put in a "clause" that if she decides to sell her condo that well will have to move with in 30 day...I was shocked at hearing this and that she might not be out of her condo for another two weeks.

    This woman is the one who wanted a two year lease so we agreed to it in writing on the proposal we all signed it we gave her everything she wanted in writting.

    I don't know what were going to do if she is not out of her condo as she also agreed on the proposal we could move in 1 week be for 2/1/10 and that was her offer not ours..and she still hasn't let us start moving our things over.

    My landlord will not let us say longer in his condo as he wants to get it ready to sell.

    Doesnt our signed proposal mean anything ?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • When some is dying of cancer?

    My sister passed away almost 1 year ago of Cancer she into the hospital with a stomach pains and was told she had stage 4 Colon cancer they gave her 8 weeks to live and she passed away 6 weeks later .Once she was in the hospital from that day forward she never went back home.I need know did she fully understand she was dying she was on so much heavy pain killers I was really unable to ask her myself as she was just not the same person once she was hooked up to all the I.Vs ..Is there a web site that I can see to help me understand what a person might be feeling or going through was she scared when she died when she finally did stop breathing did she know it and struggle to breath again ? She was all by her self when she passed I cant stop thinking about it if she suffered at the moment of her passing

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • How do I let go of bad memories?

    My sister died of Cancer 7 months ago she lived only 1 month and 20 days after we found out she had cancer she was young. The cancer tore through her body and left her a skeleton watching her die was God awful and since her death I have had one cat also die of a heart attack and another die from a coyote attack and I found the cats body half eaten ( and please don't lecture me about the coyote attack the cat got out by accident ) I can not how ever hard I try to get the image of my sisters dead body out of my head or of the cats dead or dieing .I feel so bad for them for their suffering that all I can think about.I just don't know what to do..

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Repoing a car in a locked Self Storage facility?

    I am a Manager at a Self storage facility in California ..I have a woman who claims she works for a lawyer calling me and asking if I have a "Tom Smith" here as a customer. I told her I don't give out any Information on my customers over the phone that I would need a search warrant to give her info on any customer her. She told me she knows the car is here in a locked storage.

    I told the lady I don't know what or who she is talking about and I wont until I see a warrant for the "Tom Smith" before I even look for that customer in my files.I also told the repo lady that I would need a exact name and storage unit number on the warrant.

    Can they come on my Self Storage facility and cut a lock to a storage unit to take the car if it is here ? or is that Breach of peace.

    Do I have to give them info over the phone when I have no clue who they really are ? Or do I have the right to protect my customers rights to privacy.

    8 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • DMV in California Statue of limitations?

    Is there a statue of limitions on tickets ? My friend got some tickets 10 years ago and did not pay them he was in jail he has been out and really cleaned up his act..he got a call from a collection company they told him the DMV helped find him and if he doesnt pay the tickets his drivers licenese will be revolked..I didnt know what to tell him? Thank you

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • When you pick up food at a restaurant do you still have to tip?

    Say you order a pizza etc.. on the phone then you go to pick it up yourself do you still need to leave a tip?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I need to know what kind of "over the ear" headphones I can get for I pods?

    My daughter would like a pair of over the ear headphones I'm guessing for her ipod does all over the ear headphones work or do they require a adaptor..I was looking at the Sony MDR-V7OODJ..Any help would be great..

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Last nights Kid Nation?

    did they win their prize and what was it..please dont tell me to watch a clip as my stone age computer is not able to download clips

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Double Standards?

    Ok..I re-married a man who has 3 kids ,I also have 3 kids two of my children are adults and live outside our home and are 100 percent self supporting his kids live with their mother and we have them every other weekend and above.My husband pays his child support and then some as well.

    But when ever my daughter needs something my husband thinks she needs to pay for it herself earn the money which I agree 100 percent like her car insurance she got a job to save money to buy a car and save for her heafty car insurance payments.She is 15 1/2

    But when his kids need something he pays for it and they dont have to earn one red cent even car insurance trips around the globe motor cycles.etc.

    When ever his kids need to go somewhere and it's our weekend with them I take them where they need to go no questions asked as he sometimes has to work on weekends.

    But when my daughter needs to go some where she has to take the bus..What should I do? . his kids are 16.,11and 10

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Computer Help usb drive?

    Please can someone help me..First of all I am computer stupid ..I cannot get my computer and printer to work with eachother.I know I lost my usb drive because I dont see it on my Device manager its do I get it back I do not have the install disks any longer as well.

    All I know is I came to work on the 11th and I can not print anything from my computer I just bought a new printer as well thinking it was the printer and I am still having the same promblems.I can receive and send faxes but I can not print from my computer..Please in easy to follow insturctions on how to reinstall a usb drive?

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • those who live in California do you know they got rid of 853-1212?

    Why....And how long did that number exist

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Whats your pets Personality in 5 word or less?

    all my animals are cats

    Olive : is the nibbler/ over achiver

    Saide : The Queen/stuck up

    Lizzy : The partyer/anorexia

    Mama: shy and meek

    Charmaine: the needy

    Mimi: Winer/Meows alllll the time

    Hidie: loner

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Suggestions please !! Southern California in in the Valley?

    My daughter will turn 16 on Valentines day 2008 .We have decided to take her and 6 of her friends to dinner were would be a nice place to go our budget is $600.00.We would like a Japneese/Koren Bbq type place.

    7 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Biggest Loser?

    How many calories did the girl on the blue team eat las tnight in the room?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • I want to know how long after a negotation of a deletion would I see a deletion on my credit report?

    I was being sued by a collection company for $1300.00 .We counterd sued the collection company .The collection company settled with us .We agreed to pay them $600.00 plus a proven deletion.We paid $350.00 up front another $150.00 when we were sent proof deletion they sent me a form letter they use for the 3 credit brureas and the balnce is due when I run my credit report and see the deletion.I last ran my credit report on the 1st of Aug they were at the time still on the report.When will my credit report update?The first of September?I dont want to pay for another credit report if it's not yet updated or does updating happen right when the Credit reporting angencies get the form letter or can I just call Transunion etc and ask if that account has been deleted?

    Sorry for the bad spelling...

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago