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  • what gifts should I bring from US?

    I'm leaving for Germany soon, 1st time out of country, to visit my son, whos stationed there. & want to bring my Daughter n law, her Mother, and my daughter n laws Sister, who's 11 years of age and whom I have not met, each a gift from the US .when I arrive.

    My daughter n law & her family is from Russia & and really want to bring something they would enjoy and is memorable & within there tradition.

    We have a new addition to the family soon. My 1st Grandbaby due any day. Hip hip horray.

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation7 years ago
  • why would a family member ask to sign insurance papers?

    My step mom recently passed away who has adult children of her own, (not from my father) and who is still living. My father claims there were no life insurance policies but her Adult son has been trying to get a hold of my dad to sign insurance papers and were both confused by this.

    My questions are first, is if there is a life insurance policy my dad didn't know about, why or would they need my Dads signature on them. And any good guesses what type of insurance are they wanting that would need his signature.

    5 AnswersInsurance7 years ago
  • how to prep a fresh salmon fish?

    My friend went salmon fishing and so nice have given me a fish, I'm ready to cook and need recipe but and though it has been gutted, I unwrapped the foil to prep and noticed the head is still on it. Yes I freaked out, and don't how to prep this, do I cook it with it on? or can you tell how to remove it.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Dreams of swimming in Water (Interpret)?

    In the past 6 weeks, I've had 3 dreams, 2 of which involve being suberged in Water. The 1st dream is rather humorous though not in my dream.

    I will say prior to my 1st dream, My Mom had been feeling ill & weak, she had been suffereing emphazema for years, but this was different, She had stated to me, we may need to bring out a porta Potty for her, dreading the thought however, I Had this dream of cruising on it about 40 miles an hr down a busy road, fear of falling I had duct tape strapped to my wrists to keep it steady, was going so fast it tipped over into a small lake of murky water though only about 2 in dp, I felt fear of drowning but soon woke up from the nightmare, told my Mom about it & she laughed about it and so did I but not funny in my dream

    Since that dream my Mom past away, 4 weeks ago, liver cancer got her, not emphazema, abut since I had another dream she was alive, talking but in a dark dreary hosp, though she died peacefully at home, anyway, I recently had a 3rd dream the other night involving water. but nothing to do with my Mom

    I dreamt swimming around in a circle into a small lake/body of very shallow water, the center had a big tree i it so why swimming in a circle I suppose & not across,that almost seemed comforting, but felt lonely water warm, but was green algie like, but swam around & dove in it anyway,nothing to do with my Mom in this dream. but can you help me interpret? sorry for typos

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • medical mal practice?

    My Mother was diagnosed with Liver cancer that may have been due to high levels of digoxin according to emergency physicians. just a month ago, when she finally let me take her to the emergency hospital located in WA state. 4 days later she passed away.

    My Mother had been under a primary doctor care and after numerous complaints about other symtoms, such as severe and sudden loss of weight, blurred vision, extreme weakness even the week of her death, had been ignored & everything blamed on her emphazema. Was not the problem in this case though we stressed someting else was wrong.

    My Mom complained was the meds to her DR but she said sorry, "I didn' prescribe them to you & did nothing. Though maybe she didn't, she referred my Mom to the specialist who works out of same clinic, but neither ever monitored her levels she was taking according to the Hospital who requested her records. I feel her level of care was poor & ignored. It was so long advanced Hosp said and now too late and she's gone. Should I seek an attorney. Greiving daughter

    2 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • Can I get into trouble not: going through Probate, after loss of my Mom?

    I recently lossed my mom nearly a month ago. I've nerver lossed anyone close to me before so have no experience in all this court stuff I'm hearing about. and was told I just can't go selling off her things until it goes through probate first. But it is too late, I already have.

    My Mother did not have any assets such as a car, owining a home, no credit cards. Just basic utilities and rent. I used to have a small furniture store years ago, and had furnished her entire apartment of which I sold, & gave away to clear out her apartment before the 1st of the month, & to cover her burial costs with as we were un prepared and she had no insurance other than SS benefits.

    My ? is can I be sought after or in trouble for this since I didn't not go through proper procedures I knew nothing about? Grieving clueless daughter

    6 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Is this proper etiquette?

    I just lost my mom sept 17th unexpectadly due diagnosed to liver Cancer. Unfortunaltey we were un-prepared, my mom only had SS and I'm currently unemployed so I didnt know what to do about costs of burial & since my mom did not believe in Cremation. (the only way the state would pay of it) So I was on a mission to seek help.

    I asked my father & Step mother who's not rich by any means, but is pretty well to do &, I found a nice place for ground burial, just under 2,000 until I could sell some of her furnishings to pay back, I raised 600.00 so needed only part or somethng, and am seeking work, whichever comes first. but my step mother said No she didn't have it or anything to contribute until i could pay it back, . I know that they do, but supposed paying for an ex burial was not proper in her eyes is probably why. I'm assuming.

    The good news, is somehow my son serving in Army in W. Germany got wind of this, and payed for everything, to be paid back of course,with payments as my sister and I could afford in the future. I have a sister who lives in another state, who does have a job, but is struggling too & could not help at least for now..

    The problem I'm struggling with. I managed to sell some of my Moms furnishings and payed back 1,000 so half back to my son & he said not to pay anymore to him, though I don't feel good about & feel It is my sister's and myself's responsibility to pay back this back to him, which was the original agreement,

    What is really bothering me now, My Step Mom & Father payed for my sisters plane ticket to come here, which is fine and not to pay them back, but then my step mom sent her a check for $300 the other day, for sorry for the loss.

    I'm not upset that my sister has to pay nothing back for burial costs or other, I'm not upset that she sent her a check. I am upset that she excluded me and my son completely, and feel that if anyone shouldve have gotten a check it should have been my son who she knew payed for this and saw how much Im struggling with this. I'm so upset not trying to be but upsetting me enough I can't answer the phone to go shamoo her carpets, If it were up to my dad, he wouldve payed for it, but had to honor his wife, Should I say something, or keep it to myself and get over it & go shampoo the step moms carpets?. Grieving Daugther, who's jobless, & upset

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • why do cats adopt me?

    Since I came remember, Cats followed me home. But now out of nowhere, another has come and force her way into my home. Against my one strictly indoor Older Cat, by her choice, but my moms cat adopted me too. Nothing either of us could do, though I felt she was a much better care taker than I.

    Another stray has forced her way in, a few days ago, she's Very skinny and Bony, hungry and thirsty. Has forced her way in. What should I do? I now am feeding her, how could I Not? and I Am taking her to Feral Cat Project for shots, fixed? etc. but I'm being called the cat women. 2 Cats where chasing me the other day, while checking my mail never seen them before, Arrrhhhh and my boyfriend said no more cats but I'm not asking for them, 3 more are hanging around now?? why do they find me???? Don't leave food or anything out! Best advice gets 10 pts, especially if you can tell me how to best to explain it to my irratated boyfriend! I'm keeping the bony cat who has adopted me. for some weird reason so has my one old cat.

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Can I insist on home health care for my dad even if my step mother refuses?

    My father & step mother are elderly & retired, my father has been the sole caregiver, driver, housekeeper, grocery shopper, etc but now he's due for major heart surgery next week, and will be laid up for at least 11 weeks once he's home.

    I gave my SM & father all the paper work for home health care where my dad was pleased & in agreement, as he and she knows won't be able to provide the tasks he's been doing including taking her (sm) to her doc appts, shopping house work etc. I found out she is refusing and claims he don't need it.

    Though she (sm) is not falling all over the place as she has in the past (has vertigo) where the neighbors were picking her up off the floor to put her in bed but has other health problems as well but she has refused to help or allowed my dad to call paramedics, what frustrates me is she's now refusing this help for my dad, claims she's got it handled. I think he's afraid of her for some reason. Should I talk to his doctors when he goes in for heart surgery? hes having, Bypass and heart valve replacement next week. I don't want to cause him further stress. Best advice gets 10 pts.

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Drill or not to drill is the ??? & How do I open the back seats to get too trunk Think my car key is in there?

    I have a piece of crap 95 Saab 900 SE soft top convertible. & may have locked my key in the trunk, or the Dumpster, not sure which? I just got back to work & can't afford $1,000 to have the dealer make me a key the car is not worth it, or 120.00 for locksmith only to find out the key is not in there.

    I thought about drilling a hole through the trunk/lock but worried I may not be able to find a lock for it or able to put my top down if I do. I saw a key hole on top of the back seat and wondered if that's why I couldn't get seats down and if I should drill a hole there to get my seats down gaining access to the trunk, I was not seeing another way to get my seats down in back or out. Things that make you go Hmmmm 10 points if you can tell me a way to get too trunk, and I'll be forever greatful Nancy!

  • what should I have engraved on son dog tags gift?

    My son is in the military and heading overseas AGAIN soon. He has also just eloped and married and I have found perfect gifts for them, but the one for him I'm stuck on what should I have engraved..

    For him, because he don't wear jewelry, and no use for a pocket watch, I found a necklace similar in resemblance of dog tags,one being a cross and for room to engrave both sides. don't know what should I put on there for my son and is a wedding gift. but stuck other than his iniials,engraved. Should I stick to a wedding theme? or something for good luck & happiness, well just need ideas

    Hes stationed in Germany. but married a wonderful gal from Russia. Should I keep it in english? or have engraving in Russian language? well any ideas would be helpful. In rush to have this engraved.In rush to get this out but need to get engraved asap. thanks best idea gets 10 pts

    2 AnswersValentine's Day10 years ago
  • Regarding a 5 year lease on commercial bulding?

    A smart person on here gave me some good advice regarding leasing a bulding from a so called freind where I was to sign a 5 year lease to make him look good to the bank so he could refinance. I decided NOT to do it.and took this advice I got from here.

    Problem is now, as he having the lease drawn up as we speak, I have put 1500 into sweat equity in getting the unit leasable for him. Paint and custom flloor coverings, rewiring new phone system etc. Than he decided to start flaking & promised are not being met in our original agreement. I'm backing out, as soon as get my personal belongings out of the building.

    Once I tell him I'im backing out. what can I do about the work I've done if any? in getting it leasable.,

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Can I break a 5 year lease if I have a contract of my own?

    I ran into an aquaintance, (former employer) from years ago, who talked me into leasing a commercial spot from them and promised to provide starting money for product up front to get me started I. Got the unit leasable with sweat equity. its ready but getting a bad feeling.

    Wanting a rather long lease such as 5 years, and making sudden changes there is doubt that he really had the money for product as promised,. Now I found out he's refinancing in order to pay for my product, but wants me to sign now he said. and he said its just a piece of paper, and would never sue me were friends.

    Of course Im not compfortable regardless friends or foe, or that he just needs it for the bank to make him look good and refinance I suppose, so I wrote a lease agreement of my own for him to sign, before I sign a 5 year lease with him.

    My lease that I have written, basicly states that I'm asking him to sign and honor early termination of lease without penalty, should I fail during the 5 years and need to fold up, living exspenses are not being met or customer demands aren't being met, or wish to exspand & relocate and that he will exonerate the lease without penalty or further rent weather its leased to someone else or not.

    Would my contract save me if he signs this? though I have signed a 5 year lease with him? Note: I have not signed, nor seen the lease terms he's having drawn up as we speak by a third pary. best advice gets 10 pts.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Unknown condition, toes are turning blue, severe back pain?

    My cousin had back disk surgery a few years ago & never really fully recovered and had always had pain so much he thought it was worse then the prior surgery he had.

    Just recently, he's esperienced severe back and leg pains and his toes are turning blue & toe nails are oozing and splitting, the scope/exrays showed nothng wrong and sent him home. It sounds like a circulation problem to me? and was sure this has something to do with his back .

    I forgot the name of the test they performed at hosital in Bellvue WA. a camera of some sort that is inserted in and thru the groin area. and again theiy found nothing wrong and is a mystery. any suggestions what would cause this would be helpful

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • 92 SL1 Saturn is still stalling, while driving idling or any speed without warning?

    Diagnosic at auto shop said code 74 (coolant temp senor was bad) ran till prob occurred

    Replaced sensor & wires (pig tail_ and also have replaced the following.

    PCV Vale,

    CTS/pig tail

    Spark Plugs/Wires.

    Fuel Filter

    Air Fileter

    New Battery & Gas Cap

    Thought it was fixed, drove for 3 days with no problems. has a little over 200 k runs great after awhile than without warning it stalls, as if out of gas, ??? what next? 10 pts if you have an idea, ok if it donl't make sensce

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Where is the Coolant Temp Sensor located? on 92 Saturn SL-1 series?

    Car is stalling while driving at any speed. Idleling, freeway, or other. Especially when driven for a short lenght of time or when engine is warm. Car has irratic idling and high Rpm at times. SES light comes on at times but mostly only when it stalls. Like it's flooding or has run out of gas.

    I have replaced the following:

    PCV Valve,

    Fuel Filter,

    Air Filter

    Battery & new gas cap

    New Spark Plugs & Wires

    Cleaned Throttle Body/replaced Gasket.

    (All of which were very bad & needed replaced. Car has over 200 K.

    Diagnostic Test (Action Auto Parts) tested Ok.

    I went to a shop for further Diagnostic test where they found mutiple codes, cleared codes & ran till problem occured, took awhile, Code 74 cam back for Coolant Temp Sensor. Because there's no gaurenttee this will fix it. I would like to attempt it myself, have manual but sofar can't find exactly where it's located. Or I should I stick with a mechanic. Ouch so much to replace a 15.00 part.

    Any other ideas would be great to solve this mystery. Please help

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Saturn 92" SL1 is stalling?

    Sometimes my car runs just great! though over 200.000 miles. Lately it has been stalling, at any speed, freeway, stoplights or other, then just dies (as if out of gas. In most cases is starts back up with no problems. Lots of spark. There also has, at times, exstreme high acceleration (rpms) irratic idling then slowly idles back to normal. Other times, just turns over but won't start, again as if out of gas,

    Can a simple cleaning of the throttle body have this type of affect/symtoms? Sofar replaced Fuel Filter, Gas Cap, put a can of Heet in gas tank (take out moisture) checked computer codes at Action auto, checked out ok, checked battery, ok. Please help

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Local Pawn Shop lost my property and have my money?

    Wrote about this one before, about a tool I pawned at local pawn shop. and gave them the money. They either sold, lost, or stolen my property it's obviously not there so they clamied.

    I since have given them the benefit of the doubt in hopes they'd find it. as it costs at least 500.00 for me to replace. They sofar claim it's just not there. they offered me my 60.00 back, or an exchange for a similar item that's garbage, rusted, one that was ready to break.

    What concerned me mostly, they told me" If I took them to smalls claims court, I would loose". On the back of the receipt does say" not responsible for lost, or damaged goods. somehow don't see how this is fare

    My ?'S are, what good would it do to call police and file a report? would a judge honestly honor in favor of the pawn shop.

    Finally, when I called the local police dept an hour ago, and asked if this was a criminal offense, on the count they took my money, and did not provide me with my merchandise I had left in there care. She said she didn't know. Wow th e police don't know?? I'lm at a loss for words. Any advice get 10 pts. live in WA State.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Business lost our item?

    Recently pawned some tools (tough times) at a local pawn shop. To purchase one would cost at least $500.00. I payed for the item to get out of pawn shop, tool/s (desperatley needed for a job I have to be on by tomorrow) or I may lose the job I'm afraid. The Pawn shop Lost it! can't find it.

    Frankly the guy became rude, especially when I offered to help him look.for it, & he was the manager. & too busy too look out in there containers for it. Said to me, it wasn't lossed, they misplaced it. Well In my book, if you can't find it, IT'S LOST"

    Nothing I could really do about it, another helper actually did catch me outside & let me help look for in 3 of many containers they have and that the manager refused to let me, but to do but to no avail. & said they'd look for it in the morning they were about to close.

    So of course sofar, Il'm out the 60.00 ( paid to get it out), they lossed my tools, & I may be out of this job without it. & they would have to have found before 5:00 pm tomorrow, that is if I can even buy the part if at all possible, if they still can't find it!

    So my ? is, how should I handle this? There's nothiong about timelines if lossed, to compensate if any, but understand mistakes happen . However, I don't believe in law suits and threats, & yelling for every little mishaps, though still tyring to get past the rudeness of the manager, but I could possibly get by without it tomorrow only, but if I don't have this tool by Tuesday, for sure I will loose out on money, this job, and this customer will be affected as well having a strict deadlines that the floor be installed that can't be done for this type of Tool needed.

    . Finally, somehow I don't think by tomorrow before businesses close that there going to shell out $500.00 bones to go buy one, If they still can't find it, I had only pawned for 60.00 and there's nothing there they could even exchange it for. I looked.

    Best advice on this gets 10 Pts, I do know however and learned never to pawn again. was just out of work at time, Sigh

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago