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I usually answer questions on: Martial arts Boxing Football (soccer) Politics and government Travel - UK Diet and Fitness History Royalty
Can I drill into my neighbour's exterior wall?
I live in a detached house. I want to put a gate between my house and my neighbour. At the moment you can freely walk into my back garden between our houses. Is it illegal to drill into someone's exterior wall to fix a gate? Do I need their permission to do it?
28 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)5 years agoCan I leave a private voice mail?
If I phone a number with 141 and it goes to voicemail, can I leave a message without them knowing my number?
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans6 years agoUltra HD TVs: Do you need an ultra HDMI cable to actually view ultra HD?
I was thinking about buying an Ultra HD TV but was told that you won't get Ultra HD unless I have an Ultra HDMI cable.
Is this true or would a standard HDMI cable be fine to use?
1 AnswerTVs6 years agoWhere can I download games online?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoCan I wash my Reebok Classics in a washing machine?
I have a pair of white leather Reebok Classics that I want to clean up.
Can I do this in the washing machine? My washing machine doesn't have a trainer setting so what setting would I put it on? Would using washing powder ruin my trainers? Anything else I should know about?
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry7 years agoHow to give leather boots a patent look?
I've got some leather boots and need to get them to a patent leather look. Where do you get the spray paint from to do it? Or what is it called?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories7 years agoWhat are some good carp fishing rods?
Im looking to get a pair of new carp fishing rods after being out of fishing for about 5 years.
What are some good carp fishing rods that you would recommend?
Im looking for a 12ft, 3lb or 2.75lb t/c. Anywhere around the £60-£80 price range, maybe more at a push.
I was looking at the Fox Warrior S, any idea what these rods are like?
1 AnswerFishing7 years agoWhat tablets supports Java?
Im looking to get a tablet but a bit unsure which one to get. I'd like a tablet which supports Java. I've heard that there are apps that you can get that support it. Can someone clear this up?..
3 AnswersAdd-ons7 years agoWhat new films do you recommend watching?
What newly released films do you recommend watching?
Any films that have come out in the last few months.
6 AnswersMovies7 years agoCan you use a microwave to roast a chicken?
I've seen microwave grill ovens but wondered if you can use them to roast a small chicken
10 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoYour career or your girlfriend?
If you had your dream job and was given the ultimatum, what would you choose?
Im in the army, wanted to join since I was 8 years old. What would you choose? I chose the career and I don't regret it.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago"Take things a little slower"... What does she mean?
"Ive just been thinking, I wanna take things a little slower. Im really happy with everything at the moment and I just wanna stay talking to you and staying in contact. I dont think im ready for anything serious, just wanna stay in contact"
Was does that mean? Does it mean she wants other c*ck and a bit of fun before getting into a relationship? Because thats what I see it as. Would like to know what you lot think. So im probably gonna go out, get p*ssed and sleep around... We've only been on 3 dates in 2 and a bit months. Cant possibly take things any slower, surely? Probably best to ask her...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWould you date a soldier?
Im looking for a relationship but since joining the military I've found it harder to pull girls. I started chatting to a girl the other week and when I told her what my job was she called me a murderer and didn't want to speak to me...
So its made me wonder if the majority of girls, or just people in general, think we're all just murderers and want to stay away from us...
Wouldn't be surprised really because I've been turned away from pubs and clubs for being in the army.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhere is a good army surplus store in West London?
Anyone know of a decent army surplus store in Middlesex, west London? Everywhere just seems to have DPM kit. I need a decent one which sells MTP kit
4 AnswersLondon8 years agoWhere is a good army surplus store in West London?
Anyone know of a decent army surplus store in Middlesex, west London? Everywhere just seems to have DPM kit. I need a decent one which sells MTP kit
3 AnswersMilitary8 years agoIs killing sometimes right?
Is killing right in certain cases as punishment? Is it justified to kill in a war or is that still wrong?
For arguments sake, if you said no, if North Korea started bombing your hometown would it still be wrong to go to war and kill to stop them? And if you still say its wrong, what would your solution be?
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years agoThe army or your girlfriend?
If you was/are in the army, would you choose your career over your girlfriend?
Or what would you expect your boyfriend to choose, you or their career?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoDo you know a bus that goes to Chartwell?
Does anyone know a bus that goes to Chartwell from a near by station such as Edenbridge?
1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom9 years agoAnyone know of a restaurant like this in London?
Im not sure what theyre called, but does anyone know of a restaurant where they have a variety of foods from all over the world and you can try them all? I had a colleague telling me about it about a year ago and he said it was just like a giant buffet and you can fill up your plate with loads of different foods from all over the world.
I dont think he was in London, but im sure there would be a place.
2 AnswersLondon9 years ago